What caused you to have to lose weight in the first place?



  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    My clothes were getting tighter and tighter and could no longer get into a pair of shorts i liked, and knew they junk and binge eating was getting worse
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    First time around - I had lost a bit of weight with some medication, and felt a little better. Then some medical issues reoccurred, so the pounds came back on.

    This time around - I just started eating healthier and exercising, and realized how great I feel. More energy, less health problems, the ability to do more. And my daughter is certainly an incentive - at 5 she likes to do a LOT, and have the ability to do things with her AND get my own stuff done is a great bonus!
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    A combination of factors... change of job to a more sedentary job, metabolism slowing with age, working with more friends (so more eating out for lunch every single day), family members with bad eating habits, etc. I was an event planner, which often meant grabbing food wherever and whenever I could, and it wasn't always the best or healthiest food.

    I got married after all that, and regular meals-- and bottles and bottles and bottles of wine-- took their toll, as well.

    I honestly have no idea what pushed me into actually taking action this time. Always before I'd go to the gym several times a week but keep eating like a lunatic and wonder why it was all going so wrong. One day I just decided I'd had enough.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Buddy of mine called me fat.
  • raebels
    raebels Posts: 45 Member
    It was a number of things for me. I gained a little weight after high school and then I met my fiance and I got a little too comfortable and just didn't eat right. Fast forward to getting pregnant. I was overweight when I got pregnant. After having my son, I realized I needed to be in better shape so I could keep up with him and I also wanted to set a good example. Now I am getting married in October so I want to look my best on the big day! :bigsmile:
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    I was just sick of being fat. I was a teenage girl and image conscious and aware that I was bigger than most people. I saw a picture of myself on a night out and was sickened. However, now I'm a more normal size, I just get a buzz off feeling healthy and am not that bothered about the number on the scales or my clothes size. As long as I am healthy and fit, I'm happy :)
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    I wanted to go on a journey
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    WELL In the beginning it was because I wanted to lose weight and be skinny again, so material right? Then one day I found out my husband and I were going to be parents! I freaked and was SO excited at the same time. We were a little cautious and only told family and close friends because ppl would certainly notice when I didn't drink alcohol :drinker: and I needed some allies to keep my secret. We were registering for our wedding at Target and I couldn't contain my pregnancy excitement so we took a look at the baby stuff so we could get a feel for how much stuff was, i.e. cribs, strollers etc. Well, to cut to the chase, I ended up having a miscarriage right in the middle of the baby section of Target and was rushed to the ER. I was 21/2 months pregnant. We were scheduled to see the ultrasound for the first time the next day. The ER took an ultrasound and seeing an empty uterus and hearing static when I should hear a heartbeat is literally the most horific (lack of ) sound I've ever heard in my life. :cry: :brokenheart: Well now that the sob story is over, pretty much my husband and I have decided to try again, but this time on purpose in a year or so. I want to make my body healthy for this baby, and honestly, baby bumps look way cuter on people who are at a healthy weight. Sorry if my story is tmi, but this is a place for honesty right?
  • raebels
    raebels Posts: 45 Member
    I refused to buy more clothes in a bigger size. I already had plenty, just needed to fit into them. Hate shopping.

    I hear you loud and clear on that one! :)
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    All the fat I had collected over the years.
  • raebels
    raebels Posts: 45 Member
    WELL In the beginning it was because I wanted to lose weight and be skinny again, so material right? Then one day I found out my husband and I were going to be parents! I freaked and was SO excited at the same time. We were a little cautious and only told family and close friends because ppl would certainly notice when I didn't drink alcohol :drinker: and I needed some allies to keep my secret. We were registering for our wedding at Target and I couldn't contain my pregnancy excitement so we took a look at the baby stuff so we could get a feel for how much stuff was, i.e. cribs, strollers etc. Well, to cut to the chase, I ended up having a miscarriage right in the middle of the baby section of Target and was rushed to the ER. I was 21/2 months pregnant. We were scheduled to see the ultrasound for the first time the next day. The ER took an ultrasound and seeing an empty uterus and hearing static when I should hear a heartbeat is literally the most horific (lack of ) sound I've ever heard in my life. :cry: :brokenheart: Well now that the sob story is over, pretty much my husband and I have decided to try again, but this time on purpose in a year or so. I want to make my body healthy for this baby, and honestly, baby bumps look way cuter on people who are at a healthy weight. Sorry if my story is tmi, but this is a place for honesty right?

    I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. I can relate (I have had 2 ectopic pregnancies). Getting yourself fit and ready to try again is an amazing reason to get going. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sending lots of prayers your way for a healthy you and a healthy baby in the near future! :flowerforyou:
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I went to uni skinny.....ate a lot of takeaways.....drank a lot......and came out 2 stone heavier
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    WELL In the beginning it was because I wanted to lose weight and be skinny again, so material right? Then one day I found out my husband and I were going to be parents! I freaked and was SO excited at the same time. We were a little cautious and only told family and close friends because ppl would certainly notice when I didn't drink alcohol :drinker: and I needed some allies to keep my secret. We were registering for our wedding at Target and I couldn't contain my pregnancy excitement so we took a look at the baby stuff so we could get a feel for how much stuff was, i.e. cribs, strollers etc. Well, to cut to the chase, I ended up having a miscarriage right in the middle of the baby section of Target and was rushed to the ER. I was 21/2 months pregnant. We were scheduled to see the ultrasound for the first time the next day. The ER took an ultrasound and seeing an empty uterus and hearing static when I should hear a heartbeat is literally the most horific (lack of ) sound I've ever heard in my life. :cry: :brokenheart: Well now that the sob story is over, pretty much my husband and I have decided to try again, but this time on purpose in a year or so. I want to make my body healthy for this baby, and honestly, baby bumps look way cuter on people who are at a healthy weight. Sorry if my story is tmi, but this is a place for honesty right?

    That Is heartbreaking. But what a great reason to get healthy again. I wish you all the luck in the world and send you all my love :):)
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Fun thread! I was very fit and active until after I had my first child, I lost all of the weight from being pregnant, but then stayed home all day with baby and started eating, eating, and eating...got pregnant again, lost it, ate even more, got pregnant again, gained even more weight, broke bones, had surgeries and just kept eating, until one day....I saw a picture of myself and was hysterical!!! I joined the gym, and 2.5 years later have never looked back! I used to say skinny me was just trapped inside that fat suit, in my head I was still small...I take a lot of pictures now to make sure I don't ever get dilusional EVER again!!

    Best of luck to everyone here...we've got this :)
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    A thousand things, but one big one is that I was reading treatment guidelines for kidney transplant recipients (of which I am one) and saw that our incidence of cardiovascular disease is many times that of the standard population. And I'll be damned if I'm going to survive kidney failure and successful transplantation at the age of sixteen only to keel over from a heart attack or stroke in my forties or fifties. The irony alone would probably kill me.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    A thousand things, but one big one is that I was reading treatment guidelines for kidney transplant recipients (of which I am one) and saw that our incidence of cardiovascular disease is many times that of the standard population. And I'll be damned if I'm going to survive kidney failure and successful transplantation at the age of sixteen only to keel over from a heart attack or stroke in my forties or fifties. The irony alone would probably kill me.

    OMG!! What a terrible thing to have to go through at such a young age! What a great way to turn something terible into motivation!
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    Someone has to stop Bane.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Though I already knew that I needed to, the moment came when I stepped on the scale, it read 160, and my mom said "woooow...".
