Kelly_May88 Member


  • I raised my step son (bio mother no where to be seen) from 3 months old well into his teens (until his father and I split). He was high functioning autistic with ADHD and ODD, I also have my own children and the oldest is a 16yr old girl who also has the 'being a teen' disorder lol. I get the stress eating. Happy to chat :)
  • Sugar is an addiction, but it is one that can be broken - it just takes time and you need to detox like everything else addictive. Have you ever read anything by David Gillespie?
  • Nuts.. I buy a big bag and put them in 30g lots in little snaplock bags. When the sugar/cookie/chocolate cravings gets so bad Im about to cave, I eat the nuts with a glass of water. Works a treat every time.
  • Oh wow! I'm so glad I found this thread!!!! years and years I've spent listening to ppl tell me to make sure I eat breakfast.. eat 3 meals a day.. eat 6 small meals a day etc etc etc... An old Dr actually told me my weight problem was that I wasn't eating enough, because I was only eating 1 or 2 meals a day. SOOO glad I…
  • Spices - Cinnamon, ground the Chia Co - Australia Grown Chia Seeds Woolworths Home Brand - Rolled Oats Coles - Full Cream Milk Pacari - Raw Cacao Powder Power Super Foods - Maca Powder I have the above made as 'overnight oats' during the week as I can take them to work. On the weekend its bacon and eggs or pancakes (made…
  • sweat them with some coconut oil - yummo!
  • Hi my name is Cherry and I have RA. I have been showing symptoms since I was 23, but was not diagnosed until I was 27. I am now 33. I've tried a few meds from plaquinel to Methotrexate (which at both the 10mg and 20mg dose made me sick). I'm currently on Arava 20mg and I've been taking mobic since diagnosis. The Arava…
  • I may just try this! My Rhuematoid Athritis is horrid atm...
  • First thing I gave up in changing my life was smoking. I was lax in my food watching during this as I gave up cold turkey and it was hard (my partner is a smoker too). I put on 5 kgs. I've lost most of it now and I'm much happier for it. I'd rather have to lose that 5 kgs than keep smoking and struggling during even a…