

  • My concern is that I have been losing weight, but that is not my goal. My goal is to reach 7% or 8% body fat, and gain muscle. I have been doing both cardio and strength training, so I should be putting ON mass, as a result of muscle being heavier than fat. In reality though, I have lost five pounds in the last two weeks.…
  • What is a reasonable deficit? Everything I have read suggest between 500 and 1000 calories a day. How can I get an accurate judge of my daily caloric needs. Is there anyway to accurately calculate how many calories I am burning during exercise. I do not trust the values I am getting for either my intake, or expenditure.…
  • Hypothetically speaking, if I were to eat zero fat for a month ( I would be unhealthy for sure ) where would the fat my body produces come from. I guess I am assuming that I have to put some fat in, in order to produce body fat. I would be very interested in learning just how my body generates fat from the foods I eat.