

  • Christabiss, I have sensitive knees and also get really bad shin splints. I had to get cross trainers and put down a thick industrial mat like the ones they have at gyms; that's the only way I can even think about doing the power squats, power jumps, etc. That and RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and NSAID's like…
  • Wow, if you can meet the goals you already have, you can definitely do this! Keep going, keep pushing play, and keep moving. If you have to take a break, my best advice is to not stop the exercise all together but to try to find a way to modify or ease up. Watch Tonya if you get tired, she's usually always moving but she…
  • It's hard to keep up the momentum sometimes but overall I feel good, especially for those floor exercises... funny, but to me they are a little break!
  • Hello! How cool to find this group since I have also signed up for the Sprint in Burnett, TX. This will be my first so I am training for it early, working on cardio and weight loss now with Insanity and will later follow the WOD's to prepare. It's been a long time since I have done any competitive race... I'm exited but…
  • Jen, I think you did great!
    in Intro Comment by acain123 January 2013
  • Hi there! In 2011 my husband and I finished p90x and then Insanity. I followed the diet that came with it and lost 37 lbs. I did not keep up with it, though, and by the middle of last year I had gained every lb. back, unfortunately. We started p90x again in Oct. and managed to finish up the first two months, until the…
    in Intro Comment by acain123 January 2013