I bought my scale at a thrift store for two dollars, people throw them out all the time, tested it next to other scales for accuracy, was fine, did this a few years back as well, think I paid one dollar for that one
Im 5 3 and when I was 144 I was a size two as well, I wasn't firm and wanted to lose 20 but no one was saying I was overweight
don't care about them
in the morning while coffee is making, usually go to bathroom first, take body measurements every sunday evening, I know it would be better in the morning but isleep late on sundays and don't care when I get up
I buy clothes in advance, I actually have a trunk collecting things for when Im smaller I don't buy pants though, theres just no way to know I used to be smaller and Id like to be smaller than that but I don't wear tight clothes, I know even before I get to my target weight that a small is going to be a bit big for me I…
I'm starting a trunk of things for when I get to my target size, Im wary of buying pants and maybe shirts, but it depends on your budget. Could get a pedicure/facial/massage if you drink coffee could upgrade to fresh grinder, makes a world of difference haircut jewelry clearly im a shopper
I kind of agree that pixie cuts look better on thinner people and I think that's part of why I cut mine off, I have full intentions to go back to a white pixie cut, I feel like Im reserving it for when I feel sexy again
donate it lol, all 2 inches of bleached to hell and back fur, nobody wants that nonsense, though it did make a surprisingly substantial pile of hair
my pics still show mine long but its been the length of yours or a little shorter, its been so long since its been long im torn but yea I was thinking about growing mine out in my natural color to a bob, it will only take 2 months tops to get to my previous length
lol my sister dyed her hair green (16 y/o) and she did to get rid of it, don't know what she was thinking coloring it green though
wow what rude people, sincere question, this is honestly why I stop using this site for so long because there is no point talking to the rude people on this "Community" pick fun at me and then wonder why youre self esteem is so low and other people pick fun at you. Ive had several friends cut their hair off when they were…
with half and half and sugar, at work sweetener the half and half is totally not supposed to be happening on the dukan diet and I feel a lttle guilty, but skim milk in coffee just isn't as good. I wake up feeling like well I skipped my shot of vodka during bedtime rituals last nite (4 y/o) god knows I can at least have a…
diet: am I really this obsessive? no.... is this really going to matter? probably not exercise: this is a massive waste of time, and Im already behind on laundry
suggestion from me, if youre weighing daily, skip two days, just my two cents but log the rest of the day, skip the meal, skip weighing for two days, and act like it didn't happen
You got me :D havent lost jack for a year and here a few days in have lost 2 1/2 pounds, Im started to get a little bit excited but apprehensive. I want to lose 50-70 and I kind of wonder if I can do it in one go or if Ill need to take breaks of maintenance to not burn out. Whats your approach?
I don't really eat at work, idk too cold or something, but I drink coffee until my stomach hurts then I have a stash of teas, green, peppermind and chamomile (had some early grey but I guess the front desk girl thought I was sharing because I left it in break room?) then as the afternoon slump kicks in I change to…
Its me and a four year old, we spend probably 140 a week total, about 100 at the store and 40 through the week on either items here and there or mom cops out and does the 7/11 meal at the beach for dinner. This week though he started going to a daycare that includes breakfast and lunch so that may cut our bill a lot since…
Everyone has told me most women end up like their mothers. Mine is massive, on tons of medications, cant feel her feet, cant walk, has diabetes, cant cut her own toe nails because they hurt so much. Im scared to let this get any more out of hand. I don't think I could live my life like that.
I'm thinking about trying it, a customer of mine left me the book like a year ago and my boss found it this weekend and put it out for trash. I never read it but am taking it home tonite. It looks kind of hard to do though but essentially what I do when I'm trying not to over eat
sure but am worried with so many people how will it be personal?
to work out hungry, i cant do jack squat when im hungry
Ive struggled the whole year
an ex gave me a vacuum for an apartment that wasnt even mine, really cheap lotions are a close second, wont/cant use them, no way no how
broiled kale with a bit of cooking spray, crispy yummy, takes less than 5 minutes, hint but it ina head, the bagged pre cut is bitter
you need to address this issue, Ive lost 65 pounds and still hate my body, wheni bend over my stomach rolls, when i bend over theres ceullite on my *kitten*, laying on my back my boobs flop over, you cant be waiting for perfection youll never see it that way
I lose weight quickly vegan but when I am I also don't allow myself carb based foods like rice, pasta, bread, so it forces me to eat fruits vegetables beans and nuts
I eat at nite regardless of if Im truly hungry, if I dont eat I feel deprived, Im working on working through this too
I have a similar goal but mine extends to Thanksgiving my sons birthday for 20 lbs or so
dry idea advanced dry it odd for me, i used the gel and sometimes it worked GREAT I mean GREAT no residue no smell, and aobut 3 or 4 days a month it would completely fail me....