Jennerith Member


  • Don't be discouraged- Tony would tell you just try. If you can only do one push up, try and do two, and then skip to the next exercise. You have to start somewhere. I like lean, because it's more cardio. But either is better than nothing. I can't even do one pull up, but I hang from that bar, and I try! Eventually, you get…
  • My very qualified trainer says at 148 I burn about 1000 calories per class (90m).
  • Could be a lot of things- Did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Water weight? Gaining muscle also causes temp weight gain because it weighs more than fat, but also boosts your metabolism, so it's a GOOD gain. Don't get tied up in what the scale says, just focus on watching what you eat and your exercise!
  • Check out my naturopath. She's amazing, and will have some great suggestions for you. You need whole food vitamins!
  • If you're craving sweets, try eating as much fruit as you can hold. If, 20 minutes later you're still craving sweets, then you're probably actually craving fat. Try a healthy fat like flax oil on salad greens, or some avocado, or a raw coconut milk smoothie with a little chocolate or cacao in it. A lot of the time, a…