

  • i with we could simply favorite a thread for future reference. But short of that... bump...
  • Legumes, such as split peas, lentils, black beans are good sources of fiber. That are also good sources of protein, so can help to serve double duty. And I found this: Peas, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 160g (1 cup) 134 Calories 9g…
  • That would do it. Putting on weight acts as a as a form of insulation from that sort of vulnerability. Now that you are loosing weight and people are noticing, it may be cause a reassurance of that feeling of vulnerability. Consider looking into a group for survivors of sexual assault.
  • It is not uncommon for an eating disorder in either direction to have it roots in a desire to go unnoticed. Perhaps they stem from body image or body relationship issues. Perhaps they stem from negative attention earlier in life. Perhaps some other reason all together. No, you are not unique in your experience and…
  • When I went back to school the stress and drastic change in lifestyle kicked me in the tail as well. I ended up putting back on the weight I had lost over the year and a half prior. Just remember, one step at a time, and going to the gym can be a great stress relief from all the studying.
  • We all have lapses. It is part of being human. What matters is being gentle with yourself, picking yourself up tomorrow, move forward, and leaving this be behind you. You might also consider, what do you think it was it about Sonic you were craving? Was it the protein, the sodium, the fat, the carbs? Look over your food…