Hello all!

Hello there,

My name is Sara and I am 25 (almost 26) years old and I am at my highest weight ever. The saddest part of the whole thing is that 80 lbs of that was put on in the last year. Prior to that I was doing great at the gym and dieting. My best friend who was also my gym pal had moved away and I lost my motivation. Compounded by the fact that at the time I was going to school fulltime while also working fulltime and found it very difficult to fit gym time in so of course then I also stopped paying attention to what I was eating. Anyway, whatever the excuse may be, I am back to square one plus some. I want to stick with this this time and not fall off the wagon again. My gym pal is back now and he has gotten me to start going to the gym again. It's been a bumpy start so far. I was hoping to have a good routine down by the time school starts up again but that isn't likely at this point. I also struggle with being a broke college student so it makes it very difficult to eat healthy, because it increases my grocery bill by at least 20% and I am taunted by all of the horrible food I love so much in this area. So I have joined this website to help keep this commitment to myself that I will succeed this time.


  • sable_twilight
    When I went back to school the stress and drastic change in lifestyle kicked me in the tail as well. I ended up putting back on the weight I had lost over the year and a half prior. Just remember, one step at a time, and going to the gym can be a great stress relief from all the studying.
  • Lashley01
    Lashley01 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! I am pretty new, too, so we're in it together and can help keep each other pumped up!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome to MFP...even though I have like 10 years on you I believe we can be encouragement for eachother......I have some friends on MFP that I text wit and it helps when you have a weight loss buddy, feel free to add me :)