KBGirts Member


  • That's so awesome! I do this too....
  • If I don't make a list I will face palm myself when I get home and realize I forgot the very thing I went for.
  • Was your junk showing? Why don't you send me the picture and I will let you know what was wrong. :wink:
  • I haven't tried it with the dijon!!!! What was I thinking???? I love dijon!
  • BTW, it's best to use fresh cuts ones. And try to dry them after washing. I've done broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, brussel sprouts, zuchinni, squash.... I think you can do pretty much anything. I've used frozen veggies before but they come out more chewy because of the ice in the bag. Oh and add some fresh grated parmesan…
  • It has made a HUGE difference for me in terms of performance and recovery. I also juice cucumbers and celery and add coconut water to my water bottles so that I am not drinking sports drinks but still getting electrolytes. It takes getting used to but it's great!
  • I love this recipe!!!! It makes enough for lunches for almost a week. I double the garlic and add lots of cumin. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/lentil-soup/
  • Instead of steaming them, roast them. Put on a baking sheet and drizzle olive oil on them. Sprinkle salt and pepper and some minced garlic. Roast at 425 for 20-25 minutes or so (watch them to see when they start to turn brown at the ends but not burn). Pull them out, squeeze half a lemon over them and voila. If you've…
  • It tastes just like regular whole milk to me! I did notice one slight thing.... and the other that tried it didn't know what I meant. You know when you cook grass fed ground beef you get that barn-like smell in the kitchen? Not a bad barn smell, but a good gamey, grassy, earthy, smell. I could almost taste that smell. It…
    in Raw Milk Comment by KBGirts March 2013
  • I've been listening to it off and own while at my desk. Thanks!!!
  • I'm a triathlete and this link was very helpful to me. Great info to decide what to eat to prep for a workout. I would eat dates or raisins pre-workout (like when I used to do gels or shot blocks). I would eat sweet potatoes or other starchy things the night before or for lunch on a big workout day. The link has a list of…
  • I think nutrition in itself IS pretty simple. What makes it complicated to most people is all the conflicting information we constantly get from the media, friends and family, advertisements, talk shows, doctors, researchers, etc. I think people make it more difficult than it is, unfortunately.
  • I try to keep my carbs relatively low, but sorry..... this is a HORRIBLE list.
  • Thanks! I'll follow you! Here's mine: http://pinterest.com/kbray003/food/ I started it before I went Primal, and I also pin things that I would likely make for a holiday or pout luck, so it's not completely Paleo/Primal. But I do try to pin a lot of paleo/primal links.
  • I am horrible at sticking to my paleo-ness. LOL! But if I were good at it, my approach would not be to measure or track the 80/20. Instead it would be more of a try-to-get-to-100% as best you can, but because this is not a perfect world and because we are not perfect people, we would fall at that 80/20 part of the time....…
    in 80\20 rule Comment by KBGirts March 2013
  • Is she old enough to ride a bike, tricylce, etc? Take her to the park and have her ride while you walk or jog. Excersize for her too!
  • Join the Paleo/Primal Support group. We'd love to have you!
  • Ghee is awesome! For people who have never tried it, it's really good butter! So, yes, it makes eggs super tasty! Also great for sauteing veggies. It's expensive though. At least the kind I found was.
    in O.M.Ghee Comment by KBGirts March 2013
  • I honestly don't eat that much fruit. For some reason i just don't like it. It's cold and tart and sugary..... I just don't care for it. I will eat a piece here and there when I need extra carbs for a workout, but even that is just once a day and not everyday. I do enjoy blueberries in my greek yogurt and I do love eating…
  • It happens to me too. I don't know why...
  • I always make 16 oz. I add about 1 TBS of butter and a TBS of MTC oil. I don't think this is the right recipe, but I made it like this the first time and liked it so that's just how I do it now. I am sure you can cut what you have in half and it be just as beneficial. I can't imagine drinking 32 oz at one time.
  • I love wings but have never boiled them before baking. What does that do? I'm going to have to try this. Here's a wing sauce that is easy and paleo and oh so yummy if anyone wants a different flavor. I feel like the lemon nd vinegar could be reduced because it always makes my mouth pucker, but it is really good! paleo…
  • Oh No! I only saw oil. I buy Starkist anyway... please tell me it's not that too! I don't care for tuna on it's own, but I love making tuna salad!
  • I will prepare it the night before, but I don't eat it until I am hungry. Sometimes I am hungry right when I wake up so I eat on my way to work. Sometimes I am not hungry until later in the morning so I have it then. Listen to your body.
  • I saw this. I buy tuna in water, so I hope it is only the oil ones that are in question.
  • What if you just tried to find a better source for eggs and dairy. I buy pasture raised eggs from the farmers market. They come from people's back yards. Just an idea.
  • You should be proud of your pictures this year!!! Way to go, girl!!!
  • As for the rolling pin, I think it would help. The foam roller may work too, if you can figure out how to roll the muscle. Freeze ice in a water bottle and roll those on the muscle.
  • I've had these in the past. What helped me was rest and TONS of icing. You don't have to completely stop running, but I would definitely scale back for a while. For the inflammation I took ibuprofen and wrapping your legs with Ace bandages or using compression socks throughout the day helps as well. Please take them…
  • I am so glad you asked this question. I was just thinking about this earlier today. Up until now, I have done mostly cardio.... mostly running and cycling (I'm a triathlete). A recovery week is recommended every 4 weeks when trying to train for triathlons, etc. I am now trying to focus more of my time on lifting and I was…