bahaha I didn't even think about "rock bottom," though I would love to have one! Thank you all for your support.... its so hard to find motivation with friends and family who have never struggled with weight loss. Its so nice to have people to talk to who understand and don't silently (or not so silently) judge.
Its so easy to concentrate on the negatives and the things that are frustrating in life. I love to watch The Biggest Loser but I always think, "Yeah, I could drop 50 pounds too if that was the only thing I had to focus on all day!" Let's face it, life happens, and often dieting takes a back seat to the "necessary" things…
I do the exact same thing. I can't get myself to exercise more than once a week (on a good week). Sometimes I will even sneak a snack when my boyfriend leaves the house so he thinks I'm still sticking to MFP and "dieting." I feel mostly hopeless when I look at myself in the mirror or try on clothes. I need a change... and…
looks like we are triplets! SW- 168 CW-164 GW-140 Height- 5'3"
I would never suggest eating when you aren't hungry, seems counter productive doesn't it? What I would suggest is that you eat food that packs a bigger punch. Nuts, legumes, granola bars, cheese (any dairy is a good way to go), whole grains. I am always under on my calories but seem to go over on my protein or fat; I cut…
My food cannot touch. There is a hierarchy that is very clear and logical to me. My grandmother always buys divider plates :-) I DO NOT want to see inside your mouth. Please do not stick out your tongue, they gross me out and I will reflexively turn my head. My bed has to be made before I can sleep in it. I have a…
I am a strong and independent woman. I support my family and, even though there are days I want to give up, I fight to make it through another day. I rely on nobody but me.
not a bit.. its funny, as I was reading this I could swear I wrote it myself. I'd drink water and chew ice chips when I was at my worst with ED. Now I just make sure I eat a meal before I start drinking my water for the day... it will always be a constant battle to fight the voice that used to be whispering in your ear…
there is an all natural brand of PB called Just Peanuts that is literally JUST peanuts ground up. MUCH healthier and lower in fat and it really doesn't taste bad either (aside from the unsalted stuff.. I have to have my salt). Maybe its the oil and other additives that are put in regular peanut butter.. or maybe its an…
there just has to be that chemistry... a kind of electricity that flows through the space between you
have you ever heard of Sweet Bread? Its neither SWEET nor a BREAD... its cow pancreas. how very misleading...
I've had this problem since I was a little girl.. despite the fact that I have always LOVED fruits and veggies. There is a natural remedy that I have found to work called senna. You can find it in a supplement at a natural foods store. YerbaLife makes a Fiber Plus vitamin with senna that works best. It says to take 3-5…