ervine Member


  • Had a bad experience after eating a banana when I was about 9...haven't been able to eat one since. Had a hard enough time keeping my breakfast down when trying to feed a mashed one to my niece. Don't see that changing any time soon
  • Grimm is great!! I've always been a fan of the supernatural element in TV so this fits right into my wheel house
  • He picked the engagement ring out on his own and did a fantastic job!!. Although he did ask me a million questions about the cut and style I wanted. We went together to pick out the wedding band because I wanted to make sure it matched my engagement ring.
  • I use and LOVE the nuva-ring. I have done the pill in the past but would never ever go back
  • I am also a HUGE animal lover!! Unfortunately I live in a small apartment and my husband is allergic to cats, so we only have one pet right now. We have a calico cat named Kiki that I rescued from the streets. My heart broke when I saw her crawl out of a storm drain terribly skinny and matted. She has now been with us for…
  • While I always thought growing up I would prefer dogs to cats...I found that was not the case about 6 years ago when I found my little stray baby crawling out of a storm drain : ) I am definitely a convert now. Although once I get I house and have a little more room, we are getting a dog. I love them both!!
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE the Steelers!! Unfortunately I live in Cincinnati so I get a lot of comments when I am sporting my gear on game days. The start of football season also adds an interesting dynamic to my marriage (my hubby is a HUGE Bengals fan : O) . Things I cannot stand....Tim Tebow and Tom Brady ; )
  • I have heard different places say different things. I tend to have more energy and feel better throughout the day when I get my workouts done in the morning. But my personal philosophy is as long as you are working out that is all that matters!