mikebudd Member


  • No, my wife would kill me! :)
  • I am in this category. I started MFP in the over 350 group 5 months ago. Now in my 290's and hope to leave the Over 250 group this summer. Good luck to all of us.
  • Is anything forgivable? Yes, but that forgiveness has to be earned. The fact that they are your parents may give them some leeway, but "anything" is a lot of room. Everybody makes mistakes and that needs to be considered, but so many people are parents only because they had sex, not because they deserve to be.
  • I had a similar situation with both of my parents. My father was first. At the age of 90, his kidneys failed. Even though I am the youngest of 6 children, the decision of what to do was left to me. I opted, against the doctors and hospital's recommendation, to place him on dialysis. The result was for the best. He…
  • Feel free to add me, as well. We all need all the friends and support we can get.
  • The more friends, the better
  • You can reach your goal. I started MFP in mid-August. I am 6'2 and weighed 367 lbs. In the four months since I joined, I have lost over 50 lbs. without surgery or buying expensive foods. The most important factors that I found that help are to: Record everything that you eat / drink. Don't overestimate you exercise. Try to…
  • Welcome aboard. MFP is great and easy to use. It has helped me immensely. Track your food and exercise and enjoy the friendships. Feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • The big question is why you want to lose the weight. Are you still carrying weight that you should lose or are you just above some "ideal" weight because your body is more muscle that that "ideal"? You accomplished a great goal. Be happy with it and work on toning your body. Congrats!
  • Good luck. I know what you are facing. I started about 3 months ago and am trying to lose about 180 lbs. Almost at the 50 lb. mark. Remember that the weigh was not gained overnight. It took time to put it on, it will take time to take it off. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • I have to stop reading these message boards. All I can think about today is cookies. IT MAKES ME SOOOO ANGRY!!!!
    in Angry? Comment by mikebudd November 2011
  • Overly sensitive but try to handle with care. If she recently put on that much weight, she probably is feeling bad about herself and easily thinks everyone is ready to point out her shortcomings. We rely on each other for positive feedback her at MFP. She could use some herself.
  • Good luck! I also was someone who thought I was eating good until I started keeping track. I was amazed that I was consuming so much on "good for you food". Non-fat milk - use to drink about 3 glasses a day (400 calories). Whole grain breads - a sandwich at lunch and two pieces with supper (4 pieces @ 120 calories - 480…
  • Welcome to the site and good luck with reaching your goals. Losing weight has always been difficult with me but I am close to 50 pounds lost in the last two months. Tracking what I eat and realizing what everything costs in terms of calories has really helped. And the MFP friends are great. Good luck on making it work.…
  • Welcome. it is a great sight with a lot of friendly people lending support. Good luck reaching your goals. You can do it.
  • I just celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 50th birthday. I think it was Mark Twain that said "Getting old is hell, but it beats the alternative" and I have to agree. Age is starting to bring all types of challenges I would prefer to not have to deal with, but I am learning that dealing with them now is my best option.…
  • Good luck on your quest. MFP is great. Tracking the calories has helped me a lot. I find it a great program that us easy to follow. I am more that willing to help provide motivation to you. Feel free to friend me if you want. You are doing great - keep it up.
  • Tracking what I eat has been a real eye opener for me. I was eating about 4 pieces of bread a day and drank about 2 quarts of milk. I never thought much about this. I was eating whole grain bread and drinking skim milk. That good for me, right? Starting tracking calories and discovered the bread was 130 calories a slice…
  • You can add me if you want. I'm 58, but I'm male, so I never grew up (according to my wife, at least!)
  • I joined a 2 weeks ago and found a lot of advantages to help me meet my goals. It is great. I use both the website and the app, and like have both available. I love it.
  • Good luck! I have been a member for 2 weeks and have found a lot of help. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • Looks like your on the right path. Keep it up. I alway find starting is easy, it is the keeping with it that gets to me. Building a network of friends will help me with that commitment (I hope).
  • Good luck. Its hard, but we can do it. I celebrate my 58 birthday next month and feel I need to lose weight to be around to see my (future) grandkids. I wish I only needed to lose 50 lbs, but I put this off way too long. My current goal is to drop 90 lbs. But I am not loking at the 90 lbs as a goal. My goal is to lose some…