moejo3 Member


  • I am not doing low carb I have gone gluten free and am eating whole foods. I still eat some fruit and all the veggies I want. You are right low carb is difficult but, eating whole unprocessed foods and gluten free isn't. It does take more cooking but, I have gotten better and my family is coming around. And it can seem…
  • Maybe you need a heartier protein shake? Add some fiber to it like flax and chia seeds low cal and low fat but, will help keep you full longer. Also, maybe an apple and a piece of string cheese at 1100am so, you have something to look forward to and maybe you won't become stressed over the 1100am hunger. More fiber really…
  • You look fantastic! Where that bikini to the pool!
  • International Sales for an Electronics Manufacturer
  • 90/58 last time I went in this is the lowest it has ever been
  • It is sad that we have to go to injections and pills to lose weight/fat. It is a shame that our food industry cannot be overhauled instead. We should be eating a majority of our diet with whole foods and minimal processed foods. Yet, it is the reverse. Processed foods are killing us slowly...
  • I am not an early morning eater. I just have coffee with almond milk around 530am then fruit for breakfast around 930 - 100am. I usually eat dinner at around 600pm and I do tend to have a snack around 730 or 8pm. Trying to have fruit for my evening snack. I do find it I eat an early breakfast that I am more sluggish…
  • I have been taking a low dose of DHEA (10mg) for several years. I tend to stop taking it when I run out but, I do notice it does help me and I do seem to have an easier time losing weight when I'm on it. I don't know if this is because I tend to start eating better around the same time I pick it up. But, whatever the case…
  • My husband does not know my start weight or present weight. He already pays attention to how much I eat. This is regardless to what he eats or how much he weighs. He definitely has me in a different category. I know he thinks he is supportive but, it doesn't always feel that way. I am to sensitive to his comments so, I try…
  • Ive been hypo for 5 years and it was recommended that I go Gluten free about 9 months ago. However, I have really only embraced the gluten free for the last few months. Now, that I am really watching what I eat I feel so much better. I can tell when I do have small amount of gluten I don't feel well. I will have immediate…
  • I like to add a little lime or lemon and cucumber to my water in the fridge. It really helps me when I just want something a little different
  • As long as you are getting your fiber and your protein you can be very satisfies. I am on a higer calorie plan but, now that I am easting whole foods 90% of the time I find that I am pretty full at 1200 calories but, I push for the 1300 at least and 1600 if I am working out. Every-Body is different
  • 7 year old Shih Tzu and a 2 year old chocolate lab they are the best of friends. The little guy rules thought!
  • Armour works great for me. I had been on Levcoxcy and Cytomel. It took several weeks to adjust to Armour but, I now take 4-5 grains on alternating days and it is working well. Try to get off off the synthetic if possible.
  • I make a list of how I am feeling and questions for the Dr. Good Luck!
  • Some days I eat more than others. I eat when I am hungry but, I try to not go over 1600 calories a day not matter what I eat. So, some days are quiet low and others not so much. Seems to be working
  • I blanche my broccoli and roast my cauliflower does not seem to bother me. However any type of soy is a huge problem
  • Tacos (you can make a taco salad!); sloppy joes; or just add a little sour cream, seasoning and serve over noodles (stroganoff); add steamed rice and make some meatballs
  • It is good you are getting a handle on this early. Try adding Coconut oil to your diet. Watch the processed foods stick with whole foods if you can. Excersize when you can just playing in the park with your kids and good walks may work well for you. I don't know about being Hypo after pregnancy but, have been hypo for…
  • welcome!
  • It is all about the food I exercise with Power Yoga 2/3 days a week (90 mins) each. I also walk my and use the bow flex. I also have a ton of housework and yardwork so, in a day I think I get a fair workout just doing my general chores etc. This has been how I have worked out for the last 4 years but, it wasn't until I…
  • Welcome! I have Hashi's also and have been working on my weight loss. There is also a Hypothyroid forum here you may want to take a look at it. Just some ideas that have helped me: Use Coconut oil for cooking there are some great articles on how it helps thyroid patient also if you can try to go gluten free this is also…
  • Great Job! Losing the baby weight can be tough with all of the added time a baby takes...however the faster you get it off the better. Congrats to you!
  • Dance Revolution with my kids it is fun and a good work out on a rainy day
  • Great news on the Aldersterone I am going to request that test just to see where I am at. My muscles are always really sore especially after a workout. On the Armour I was at 3 and now I am at 4, 5, and 6 day alternating dosages. Being able to increases a few days a week has really helped my hypo symptoms Don't you just…
    in Got new labs Comment by moejo3 June 2012
  • My husband kind of feels the same...I think he just didn't want to make him do it too... My reasons: To age gracefully and look good for my age I don't want to be 20 again..I am happy at 42 I will live a long time and I want to have a great quality of life while I age and lastly.... To be a hot mom and grandma (my oldest…
  • Great ideas! Thanks!
  • Totally agree! love the dreads!
  • I have 4 kids and we eat pretty clean. They don't always like what is in the house but, that is okay. Little splurges are okay for anyone just not on a daily basis. Kids should be eating clean too and having Bday cake once in a while...don't worry it is better to have your good habits now so you can pass them on to your…