

  • I brought the book. Read a few chapters. I couldn't get past the chapter about how animals are slain for food. It grossed me out and I didn't eat meat for a week ! Also, I think the book is based on a vegan lifestyle, which I am not a fan of. A waste of money.
  • Speaking from experience, they totally are worth it. They helped me lose 20 pounds while dieting and exercising.
  • The diet pills are an aide to diet and exercise. So, yes. Talk to your doctor first.
  • Accordng to the late great Dr. Atkins...Ketosis is a good thing. Your body is burning /melting fat! I even bought urine (ketosis) strips to measure the amount of ketones in my urine. The more the merrier. Thats why low carb high protein diets are so popular. They are very effective!
  • I've been taking Phentermine off and on for two years. It is a controlled substance and was prescrbed by my doctor. I was overweight, but wasn't considered obsese. Diabetes runs in my family and I was at risk. That is the only reason he prescrbed them. With diet and excersize I was able to lose 20 pounds. However, after I…