

  • i know what you mean. some days i'm hungier than others and others i'm stuffed at 900 cal! my sister is a dietician and completely freaked out when i told her that some days i only eat 900 cals. so now i try to get the last couple hundred in... by eating some fruit or whatever. i know it has a lot to do with the types of…
  • you are all so wonderful & supportive! thank you so much! i had my 1st b12 shot this morning. i've been deathly afraid of needles since i was little, but i guess i'm going to have to get over this fear. :) & i signed up for soulcysters last night. what a great forum-- thank you for recommending it. a few weeks ago, my…
  • i wanted to say thanks for the support & help everyone- i was diagnosed with pcos today.
  • thank you so much! this is so helpful. I'm sorry that you have all had to go through this, I know how painful it must be. what about symptoms similiar to "hot flashes"? I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but over the past year I have little tolerance at all to heat and will break out in sweats randomly. I am beginning…
  • thanks so much. its comforting knowing its so common. it sucks that so many people have the cysts, but you don't feel as alone. *do any of you have migraines related to PCOS? *is surgery {ex: drilling into the cyst to relieve/drain it; ovary removal, or hysterectomy} common for this? *i know it causes infertility, has this…