poss pcos- lots of questions!

hi! i'm fairly new to MFP- this is the first time i've been on the boards. i hope this is the right place to post this.
i potentially have PCOS {i find out in a couple of weeks at my next dr's appt}. i've gained 30 lbs in the past year. since my doctor hasn't diagnosed me with it {i'm just beginning having the bloodwork, sleep apnea test, etc} yet, i haven't been put on a low-carb diet. right now, my diet is low-cal. i have some questions about living with PCOS for those of you who have it or have family members with it. Any advice will be very helpful so I know what kinds of questions to ask at my appt! :)

*How did you find out that you had PCOS?

*Have you had to have removal surgery on the cysts?

*I know there's no cure, but since diagnosis, has your weight gotten more managable? What about other symptoms {like ovulation troubles, lower abdomen pain, sleeping...}

*Is a low-carb diet {and exercise} pretty much the only way to counter-act the weight gain? Or are there other diets?

*What kinds of foods are your favorites on the low-carb/your diet?

Like i said, this is just preliminary-- i don't even know if i have PCOS. i just want to be prepared going in to the appointment so if it is what i have i am informed enough to get the answers i need. any advice or from your personal experience is so helpful b/c i don't know anyone who has this.



  • megananne88
    megananne88 Posts: 17
    I am going through the exact same thing. I don't know yet either, so I am anxious to here what people have to say. My friend who has it was put on a glucose regulating medicine to help with the weight loss too, b/c the main reason you gain weight is non-regulation of glucose. It is called Metformin (sp?).
    I gained 30 pounds in the last 6 months!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    hi! i'm fairly new to MFP- this is the first time i've been on the boards. i hope this is the right place to post this.
    i potentially have PCOS {i find out in a couple of weeks at my next dr's appt}. i've gained 30 lbs in the past year. since my doctor hasn't diagnosed me with it {i'm just beginning having the bloodwork, sleep apnea test, etc} yet, i haven't been put on a low-carb diet. right now, my diet is low-cal. i have some questions about living with PCOS for those of you who have it or have family members with it. Any advice will be very helpful so I know what kinds of questions to ask at my appt! :)

    *How did you find out that you had PCOS?

    *Have you had to have removal surgery on the cysts?

    *I know there's no cure, but since diagnosis, has your weight gotten more managable? What about other symptoms {like ovulation troubles, lower abdomen pain, sleeping...}

    *Is a low-carb diet {and exercise} pretty much the only way to counter-act the weight gain? Or are there other diets?

    *What kinds of foods are your favorites on the low-carb/your diet?

    Like i said, this is just preliminary-- i don't even know if i have PCOS. i just want to be prepared going in to the appointment so if it is what i have i am informed enough to get the answers i need. any advice or from your personal experience is so helpful b/c i don't know anyone who has this.


    I found out I had PCOS, diabetes, and bi-polar disorder from my GYN after going to 12 different doctors and gaining 140 pounds.

    No, I have not had surgery to get rid of the cysts, there are just too many of them...........hysterectomy is the only option for me.

    My weight has gotten more manageable as long as I stick pretty much all natural, as close to organic and low carb as possible. Trying to eat any other way makes me gain weight.

    Yes, I have been told by my GYN, endocrinologist and a naturopathic doctor's that a lifestyle change to low carb and an exercise program you enjoy are the only way to control the symptoms.

    My favorite foods on low carb are steaks, shrimp, grass fed hamburger, bison, all type of green leafy veggies, brussel sprouts, berries (strawberries and blackberries especially) and Fage Total (full fat kind) greek yogurt. We also eat a lot of chicken.
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    I took disease specific supplements from http://www.insulitelabs.com/ for four months. I do not know for certain that it helped. I am currently weaning myself off of them. There is no stimulant in these supplements, but they are supposed to help reverse PCOS and help reduce carbohydrate cravings. I cannot tell for sure if it was the supplements or other factors that have been helping me.

    Back when I was first diagnosed with PCOS, I took the Metformin for about a year. I found out later on that since I am taking birth control (to supress the ovary's from forming cysts) that I do not have to take the Metformin. I think Metformin is needed when birth control pills cannot be used to help regulate the hormone imbalance.

    From what I can tell, weight loss is the best shot at reversing PCOS.
  • mianpian
    mianpian Posts: 7
    thanks so much. its comforting knowing its so common. it sucks that so many people have the cysts, but you don't feel as alone.

    *do any of you have migraines related to PCOS?

    *is surgery {ex: drilling into the cyst to relieve/drain it; ovary removal, or hysterectomy} common for this?

    *i know it causes infertility, has this happened to you?

    thanks so much guys, i really appreciate your stories!!
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    I think the only time a cyst needs to be removed is when it is ruptured or something like that. I read about that somewhere at WebMD. It is not called ruptured but something similar. It is not so common (I think).

    I believe that the cysts may go away on their own if the ovaries are supressed properly.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    thanks so much. its comforting knowing its so common. it sucks that so many people have the cysts, but you don't feel as alone.

    *do any of you have migraines related to PCOS?

    *is surgery {ex: drilling into the cyst to relieve/drain it; ovary removal, or hysterectomy} common for this?

    *i know it causes infertility, has this happened to you?

    thanks so much guys, i really appreciate your stories!!

    Yes, I have migraines due to PCOS and hormone fluctuations...........it wasn't put 2 and 2 together until a couple of years ago.

    PCOS is not the same type of cysts that accompany getting a random ovarian cyst...........When they drill, they are going under the hard covering that happens with PCOS sufferers..........

    here is a picture of a comman PCOS ovary and drilling into the hard covering that happens to women that suffer from this.........


    Yes, I am infertile due to PCOS. At one time I was able to get pregnant, but ended in miscarriage 5 times...........
  • mianpian
    mianpian Posts: 7
    thank you so much! this is so helpful.

    I'm sorry that you have all had to go through this, I know how painful it must be.

    what about symptoms similiar to "hot flashes"? I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but over the past year I have little tolerance at all to heat and will break out in sweats randomly. I am beginning to think its hormonal.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I also have PCOS and my body temperature can fluctuate wildly at times. dont knowif it is related though.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    thank you so much! this is so helpful.

    I'm sorry that you have all had to go through this, I know how painful it must be.

    what about symptoms similiar to "hot flashes"? I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but over the past year I have little tolerance at all to heat and will break out in sweats randomly. I am beginning to think its hormonal.

    Yes, hot flashes like I am going through menopause and my husband says I put off heat like I am a furnace. There are times he gets out of bed and goes to sleep in the guest room because I am making him sweat. LOL
  • mianpian
    mianpian Posts: 7
    i wanted to say thanks for the support & help everyone- i was diagnosed with pcos today.