Ugh. Yesterday was off the rails. Not even going to bother commenting on what I didn't do. Reboot, start over today. Just for today, I'm going to log in, and be aware of my choices. I'm going to model the healthy food choices I see around me. I'm going to exercise and get enough water. That will be enough, just for today.
I entered all my food in. I exercised. I was aware of what I was eating and walked away more than once from a bad situation or an overeating situation. It wasn't perfect but it was Progress! Just for today, I'm going to enter my food into my fitness pal, I'm going to journal my thoughts, I'm going to move for at least 30…
Yesterday I was mindful of what I ate. I indulged just a little instead of bingeing and was aware of it. I took a nice healthy walk with my family. Just for today I'm going to enter my food in mfp, and continue to consciously make food choices that are healthy and sustainable to my continued goals. I'm going to exercise…
Just for today, for the first time in many, many days, I am going to be honest about what I'm eating and log it here. Just for today, I'm not going to blame myself if I slip or tie my self-worth to food choices. Just for today, I'm going to be mindful and intentional in what I eat. Just for today, what a great thread this…
Just weighed myself. -2.2 pounds after 5 days, overall down 8. I'm feeling pretty darn good. Hope everyone has a great day.
Hello, I guess I'm joining a little late but my resolution is here. I've been doing lchf since Monday. SW: 296 GW: not worried about weight as much as how things fit. I'm a 3x now and would like to be down to a L. That's my main goal. Probably need to lose 80-90 pounds to get there. That and I don't have consistent access…
Hi Ellie, I'm Tim and I'm back as well! I used the ketogenic calculator to come up with my numbers. But then I read the Diet Doctor and he said don't count calories! It gets confusing. For me when I'm trying just to get into ketosis, I don't count calories, and try and only track carbs/macro ratio. If I start to get the…