Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    5. Pray for Joan's ankle bone!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    J4T is a great idea. Everyone can usually handle one day. Sometimes I go from meal to meal. Lol tomorrow I will do my daily goals.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Thursday, 9/1
    1. a new month - a new day. :)
    2. DO NOT GET ON THE SCALE! Refrain from weighing everyday, as this gets me down :)
    3. DRINK WATER! My hardest thing to remember to do :/
    4. work on the yard - its a beautiful day today. Get out and enjoy it :)
    5. Go to the gym. Trying to make this a daily habit before work :) DId this already! :)
    6. Get back on here tomorrow to be accountable :)
    7. LOG ALL FOOD! :)

    1. log all food
    2. DRINK WATER!!! I have to make this a new habit, but I am having a hard time doing this
    3. Go to the gym, or for a long walk
    4. Stay focused. The scale is not a predictor of my health, and dont let it dictate how my day goes

    Went to the doctor today, after spraining my ankle in June. Come to find out a chipped the bone - thats why it is taking so long to heal. And I thought it was just because of my age LOL!!! So next week a MRI. Its frustrating when I love to walk and work in the yard, but when I do these things, my ankle swells up.

    Hope everyone has a good friday. Remember to get back on here tomorrow - lets all be accountable, good or bad!


    JFT Fri Sep 2 2016
    1. Send healing thoughts to Joan for her ankle health
    2. Send a hug to Joan
    3. Thank Joan for this thread
    4. :)
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    edited September 2016
    1. bike ride ( really!)..........yep a personal best of 15.2 miles
    2. woodwork.............ermmm no
    3. Save my calories as far as possible for the evening...........yep this worked for me today
    4. Celebrate recent successes ( currently my lowest weight in ages)..........yep
    5. Cheer the heck up!...............yep!
    6. Check back in and declare successes or not........yes here I am! Feeling smug about my bike ride. I love that bike! Especially since I bought it a bike bag...now I go out with a protein bar and a book to read at half time, feeling like a self sufficient bike wanderer. I recommend.

    Happy weekend everyone!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    Hey, Joan! Remember Me? I used to be Bri170lbs!

    I am sooooooo happy to see that your thread is still here and going strong like always. I hope you and your family are doing well, I haven't had time to go back and catch up on all the news.

    A hearty hello to everyone here!

    WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you! I think it was smart to take some time off, and it sounds like you did great. So very proud of you - you have always been my inspiration, and I know others will love having you again be a part of this thread!!!

    SO glad you are back!

    I also have recommitted. Even though I never took a "break", I realized that I wasn't fully invested in it. Now I am. I am going to the gym almost everyday, and not worrying about what the scale says (Well, at least that is one of my daily goals to not weigh myself). I want to feel good, and by doing that, hoping the weight will come off.
    It is still a "One day at a time" for me, as old habits can come back so easy! But I am hanging in there, and not giving up. My goal also is to lose 40 lbs by my next birthday, which is next july.

    Thanks so much for joining us again!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. Send healing thoughts to Joan for her ankle health
    2. Send a hug to Joan
    3. Thank Joan for this thread
    4. :)

    Ah - thank you so much Karen! You guys are the best!!!
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member

    Friday, Sept. 2

    1. Pack breakfast, lunch and snack to take to work.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - stay calm, no matter how overwhelming work is, or how provoking other people are. Use breathing/music/ happy thoughts to help with this :) managed this one thankfully! Achieved by stepping away from my desk when I needed to and focusing on key goals rather than getting bogged down in emails

    - take a 30 minute lunch break, either for reading or to have lunch with colleague :)

    - go to gym after work :/ Felt too lazy - will go twice this weekend instead. With hindsight, aiming to go on a Friday night after a hard week was ambitious!

    - stay within calories, with 300+ cal deficit :/:/ Set this target when I was intending to go gym.... Instead went over by quite some way. I'll make up for it this weekend!

    - buy light hot choc sachets for work :) did this one!

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - plan what to eat for lunch before go to restaurant (and then stick to the plan!)
    - no alcohol at lunch
    - Go to gym
    - end up with 500 cal deficit (i.e. don't eat back gym calories)
    - Do an exercise for my stress course
    - meditate
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 I know exactly how you feel, I feel similarly about holidays! (British word for vacation :smile: ) I've had quite a few odd weeks off lately, and it is always a nightmare preparing for them, and always a nightmare on returning when you find that colleagues have not picked up the tasks they were supposed to in your absence... Holidays are so important though, and it's worth it when you get there as I'm sure you're finding!

    I am trying to have a good attitude... it's always hard though as it's kind of against my nature! (Which is to always do what I need to do to get the job done). I've found it harder to keep it up this week as work has been a bit more stressful again - however I'm making an effort to keep doing at least SOME of the healthy behaviours I was doing when it was less busy (having a quick lunch break and exercising are the MINIMUM I try to make sure I do, with as many other positive things as possible).

    It's hard but soo important though - I'm doing an online stress course at the moment and it talks about how in times of stress we get tempted to stop doing all the things that keep us happy and healthy, but it's actually at those times that we need them the most. This resonated with me a lot! I've been asked to do an exercise where I predict my future (1) if I continue to do all the unhealthy behaviours like leaving work late, not taking lunch, not making time for relationships etc (2) if I change my behaviour. I haven't done this exercise yet, but will let you know how it goes - might help you as well perhaps!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @bri150lbs Welcome back - I'm a relative newbie to this thread so we haven't spoken before, but I'm glad to have another enthusiastic person on board! Look forward to keeping each other on track :smile:
  • CariOnlyBetter
    CariOnlyBetter Posts: 27 Member
    My JFT is to finish my discussion posts for school and to work ahead for next week. I want to plan out this weekends meals so I can stay on track. And id like to get some more exercise this weekend. As always, being gentle with myself and only positive self talk.

    Thanks for this thread!! Have a great weekend everyone! :)
  • OetztalerWannabe
    OetztalerWannabe Posts: 17 Member
    edited September 2016
    JFT 2.9.16
    - yoga :)
    - no snack between breakfast and lunch :)
    - restrained lunch bag :)
    - no snack except fruit and/or yogurt in the afternoon :neutral: Good until 5pm when I tried the strange green tea flovoured sticks from Japanese colleague
    - avoid bread except for breakfast :)
    - ensure dinner includes some protein :neutral: salmon and edamame! But also included a beer, and was quite a lot of dinner, including a piece of chocolate

    JFT 3.9.16
    - full hour yoga
    - no snacking between meals though at home
    - keep close to calorie goal
    - no alcohol in evening
    - get on with to do list
  • tgriffi3
    tgriffi3 Posts: 7 Member
    Ugh. Yesterday was off the rails. Not even going to bother commenting on what I didn't do. Reboot, start over today.

    Just for today, I'm going to log in, and be aware of my choices. I'm going to model the healthy food choices I see around me. I'm going to exercise and get enough water. That will be enough, just for today.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. DRINK WATER!!! I have to make this a new habit, but I am having a hard time doing this :)
    3. Go to the gym, or for a long walk :/ BUT did work in the yard for a couple hours
    4. Stay focused. The scale is not a predictor of my health, and dont let it dictate how my day goes :/

    1. STOP weighing myself!! THat is not a predictor
    2. stay on track -- log food, exercise, drink water. Its that simple
    3. LOG all food
    4. Concentrate on drinking water

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)

    - plan what to eat for lunch before go to restaurant (and then stick to the plan!) :)

    - no alcohol at lunch :)

    - Go to gym :)

    - end up with 500 cal deficit (i.e. don't eat back gym calories) :| Ended up with -350, the lunch was more calorific than I hoped (given I chose a salad) but it was all healthy which is good!

    - Do an exercise for my stress course :/ didn't do this in the end, ran out of time as was busy preparing workout playlists and signing up for a HALF MARATHON!!!!! EEEK

    - meditate :/ As above, will try to do this today though

    Today's commitments -
    - Go for run
    - end up with 400 cal deficit (i.e. don't eat back run calories)
    - Do an exercise for my stress course
    - meditate
    - plan which days will be alcohol free next week

  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member

    - go to gym after work :/ Felt too lazy - will go twice this weekend instead. With hindsight, aiming to go on a Friday night after a hard week was ambitious!

    I hear you on this! I often go to Zumba on Friday after work and EVERYONE seems to move at 1/2pace. Even the teacher!
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2016
    Well I thought I posted yesterday, but it seems to have disappeared!

    J4T Satuday
    1. Eat a good breakfast -done
    2. Go for a bike ride- done
    3. Do not go over calorie limit- not so good!

    1. Eat a good breakfast
    2. Go to church
    3. Be very careful to not over eat at lunch and dinner
    4. Walk with a friend
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. STOP weighing myself!! THat is not a predictor :/
    2. stay on track -- log food, exercise, drink water. Its that simple :)
    3. LOG all food :)
    4. Concentrate on drinking water :)

    1. log all food
    2. get out for a walk
    3. drink water
    4. tomorrow morning - STAY OFF THE SCALE.
    5. TONITE - drink water!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @bri150lbs I know! In principle I like the gym on Fridays because it's really quiet and calm.... but in reality I just can't be bothered! I succeeded in going on Sat and Sun instead though :)
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »

    1. Eat a good breakfast :)
    2. Go to church :)
    3. Be very careful to not over eat at lunch and dinner :)
    4. Walk with a friend :) had to go with a canine friend!

    J4T Monday
    1. Do a 5k with my adult son! We NEVER get to do stuff just the two of us, so I am really excited to do a race with him and the go out to breakfast.
    2. Go out for breakfast, but make good choices to stay within my limit.
    3. Spend the day at the drag strip where my 16 year old daughter will be racing in the high school class.
    4. Take a bike ride between races.
    5. Stay under my limit in the evening.