

  • So after Round 3 of the 3 Day Diet, I have decided that it has worn out its usefulness to me. I have not quit and completed all 9 days of this diet in the 3 weeks that I have completed it. However, it was a bit of a disappointment to get on the scale and see that I weigh the exact same as I did the last time I stepped on a…
  • So round 2 proved beneficial as well! Though I didn't lose as many pounds as I did the first time, I still was happy to see another 6 pounds gone! I'm hoping that the reason I didn't see as dramatic details is because of my womanly reasons this time. Anyway I feel like 100 times better about myself now. I can see my…
  • This is round 2 for me. I keep hearing people yap on and on about it's just not enough calories, but I feel like it's just a detox kind of thing. I have went on and on about how much I love this plan and I stand by it. During my four days off the diet, I by no means ate as healthy as I could. It was all in my head as my…
  • My wonderful success story is that after eating exactly what was on the menu (which I have posted the one I got online below from 2 different sites), I felt energized and wonderful. I did rearrange things on the menu, but I ate every thing it said to and I took 2 hours at least between meals and I did not go to bed til…
  • So day 2 was good. I was happy because it was more to eat than day 1 and I hadn't had hot dogs in forever and it was so delicious to eat the broccoli (substitute for cauliflower) and carrots (substitute for beets), then eat the 1/2 banana which was sweet and kind of cut the flavor of all those veggies and finish off with…
  • I'm a little bummed that no one in this group has posted in 2 months. I hope my experience will have others joining me. This is my first day on this diet and it is after lunch. I researched this diet on other sites and found substitutions. Today has been awesome. The food is good and it makes me full. If I get hungry I…