Phoenixflame Member


  • Hey chickies! I'm going out to Cafe Gratitude tomorrow. I have the menu. But I'm not sure what to order. I want to have a nice lunch, but not a crazy one. Under 400 calories? I know that Cafe Gratitude is vegan/raw, but I have enough vegan friends to know that vegan does not always equal healthy (lol, one friend lives off…
  • Ok, serious question About the two-three days of cardio. Would a 45-minute spin class count, if I was busting it out like no one's business? Because I've been in a mentality that I should be doing cardio almost everyday. But I'll get tired and not do it "as well." Or I'll be pissed because I'm thinking of how I have other…
  • Um...I don't expect heaps of praise, but today my friend and I took hits off some new weed she got. I'm sitting down, verrrrry comfortable, when I see the clock and notice I have spin in 30 minutes. I still went! Mayhaps I moved a tad more slowly, but on the other hand, I feel perceive discomfort as a more muffled…
  • By healthy, do you mean low in calories or containing nutrition? Considering all the random ingredients in Betty Crocker, I'd personally just try to do as little damage as possible and keep the calories low. For that, just pour in a can of diet soda (yeah, go ahead and use that stevia diet soda if you want to be "good").…
  • I wound up with a free coke zero the other day...after not having diet soda in FOREVER. Wow, I could feel it expanding in my stomach, and it tasted metallic...despite being in a bottle. I confess though, I haven't been able to give up my Powerade Zero when I work out. I've cut back on the crystal light though. If I have…
  • Hey guys! I'm back! I've had some ups and downs lately. Well, only downs on the scale, but I get so FRUSTRATED. Lately, I've been getting increasingly cranky with my body. I weigh 126 pounds but I still have flabby thighs and a jellyroll. I'm very proud of the muscle I'm developing on my arms and legs, but it would look so…
  • Basically, it's processed if it went through a lot of machinery and chemical finagling to get to your tummy. For example, Cheetos. You will not find a Cheetos plant in the wild, nor will you find an animal that people prize for its elegant Cheetos. Sometimes, the same food can be processed or not processed. For example,…
  • Jillian Michaels gave a really logical reason to stay away from soy--yeah, our bodies can handle a lot of crap we put in it, so in a perfect world moderate amounts of soy wouldn't be THAT bad. But in fact, soy is in a huge amount of the foods we eat. It's used in a billion products. So we are already consuming quite a…
  • Well, if you need some calories, why not throw together a quick smoothie? Just put in some milk, fruit, maybe some yogurt or nuts, and you have an instant, healthy little caloric boost. Or indulge in that thing your mama probably scolded you for--eat a spoonful of peanut butter right out of the jar!
  • There goes my fats macro. :grumble: Despite my surliness, thanks guys! It's good to know the truth.
  • Eeek! Is this legit? My paranoia has just skyrocketed. Those bloody chefs!
  • Hey, what's y'all's opinion on this? I get meat from my caf, such as grilled chicken fillets. They cook it with oil. I always firmly press my meat with multiple napkins to "cleanse the chicken." But how much is likely still in the meat? I do the same thing for roasted veggies. How much oil should I put in for my food diary?
  • Ugh. This book drives me nuts. Yeah, it brings needed attention to the slaughterhouse industry...but the science it spouts is RETARDED. Fruit rotting in your stomach? Pffft. And some of its logic is ridiculous. A cup of organic cow's milk will turn you into a lumbering mass of diseased flesh, but sodium-pumped crusty…
  • Eee, I can't wait to get my mitts on this! Jilly-cakes is my hero! She admits that she did not come by this naturally. On her radio show, she mentioned how she and her friends used to have "Splenda parties." Then she got really into finding out what was in her food, and realized all the crap we routinely put in our bodies.…
  • Quinoa is a very healthy grain/seed thing eaten by the Incans. It's yummy! Kind of like a nuttier, more hearty couscous. No, see, what concerns me is that I entered the data for COOKED quinoa. Because my quinoa was cooked. But water adds weight. However, my quinoa was pretty dry (cooked, just a bit dry). So I'm wondering…
  • With me it's a lifestyle change, so I don't really like the concept of "cheating." I mean, I wouldn't cheat on my boyfriend! But I'm trying out Tom Venuto's carb cycling plan-- 3 days of 30% carbs, 1 day of 50%. Those days, I let myself have a treat. I don't see it as cheating; I gotta keep those carbs up! Like, I might…
  • Eh, screw bread. Cutting the dairy would be the most difficult for me though. But if you put dairy back in, and a weekly cheat or two (like a few squares of chocolate), that's pretty close to what I eat anyway. What's the exercise plan? I'm looking to revamp my workout. I doubt I'll ever compete, but I want to lean out and…
  • Soo, I have a sinking feeling. I got some quinoa from my school cafeteria. Since I was eating my room (glugh, term paper), I weighed the quinoa. Calorie King told me the calories for cooked quinoa--100 grams. I put it into MFP and got the count again. I was STOKED because it was a lot lower than I thought--and quite a bit…
  • I'm in your stage 3 category, and definitely trying to get "meaner" with my body. Banks, I have a question about anaerobic work. I don't have a HR monitor (hopefully a b-day present). If I'm running on the treadmill or taking a spin class, what are other physical signs that I've hit the anaerobic zone? Like, on the…
  • Easy. Clean eating. A broiled fillet of fish with lemon juice and pepper, paired with steamed veggies, is not a high calorie meal, even if it's satisfying. Though there are others who just have problems eating enough, because of America's misconception of "diet." I was a mix of the two, though more so the latter. I've had…
  • Depends what I'm making! The best is just to mix in spices into the crumbs. I'll mix in cumin (which goes GREAT with FO's cinnamon undertones), pepper, Mrs. Dash...I don't really use salt, but I'm sure that would help. But I'm getting fond of panko.
  • Blech! I do not get the love for these bars. They are sickly sweet to me. I'd much rather have a Larabar or Pure bar. For lower calories, something from Kashi. The high fructose corn syrup and similar stuff really turns me off. Then again, I don't like FiberOne in general. I use FiberOne original for making crusts and…
  • For protein, nothing beats Clif Builder's. 20 grams! It's a pretty natural bar too, and 33% organic. If you have to grab and go, those are the ones to get, if you really want a big dose of protein.
  • Protein brownies ROCK. And earn you the most delightful expressions of shock when you tell dormmates that you have "special brownies." Oh! Protein pancakes work too. And check out this place for some more great recipes--including pumpkin pie! I'd…
  • Oh dear gods. I got rice protein recently. YUCK. tastes ok in oatmeal if you put in a banana and cinnamon. In a shake with soy milk and STEVIA. And vanilla extract. With the exception of Spiru-tein, I'm sticking to whey. You can make microwave brownies with just chocolate whey and milk/water.
  • Well, my go-to salad dressing is a mix of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and spices. For prebottled stuff, a general guideline is to look at the ingredients list. Can you pronounce everything? If all you see is natural ingredients, then it's much cleaner than, say, certain highly-processed condiments. Of course, clean…
  • So, bars are super convenient for me to eat during classes...but I don't like eating vats of chemicals. By the same token, most "natural" bars have next to no protein. Then I discovered Clif Builder's Bars! Yeah, they have a bit of sugar, but I love to eat one with some green veggies as an in-class meal (I eat 5 x a day).…
  • When I want to add almost no calories (though I know olive oil is a good fat) I use olive oil spray. Just a quick spritz. Then I put a teeny bit of water in the pan. It turns a spray into a nice oil base.
  • If you have to eat something quickly, wear a tight belt or snug pants--you'll feel the pressure and not be as likely to accidentally overeat (cuz you don't have the 20 minute full-signal time).
  • Songbyrdsweet, you are one of my gurus! I'd probably listen if you said that apple fritters were thought to prevent breast cancer. Aw hell, I'd shovel down a couple before any "new" research could follow! Seriously, I might be asking for a personal trainer as a birthday gift. When selecting him or her, I'm going to…