

  • Hi i am new aswell. I love the tip to open my diary. I suppose that would mean i need to get busey tracking my food. I am very bad at remembering to do this daily, The other posters are right , walk walk walk, i make sure to park farther away now. no more looking for that upfront parking. I walk when ever i can. I am down…
  • congrats on the new baby. You have come to the right place for help. The people here are very encourageing and helpful. good luck on your new journey.
  • Hey Thank you for the invite. I am up for the challenge. I love to dance . I took classes most of my childhood. I only use sea salt now. I started about one year ago. Not only for the health aspects of it but i found it is cheeper to buy in the bulk section of the store i shop at than the regular ol salt. PUTTING ON MY…
  • Thank you for inviting me it realy has made me stay on track with my food and exercise.. the people are great. I am sure this is going to help us both. thank you again.:flowerforyou: