Newbie wanting to loose weight!

Hello :)

I'm a newbie on the message boards, but I've used the iPhone app for MyFitnessPal for a few months. I'm the proud mother of a 17 month-old, and still have 17 pounds to loose to get to my "goal" that I set for myself when my baby was born. I'm a food-aholic and find myself wanting to eat ALL THE TIME, so I'm trying to use this site more consistantly to keep myself accountable.

I'm hoping to be on the boards a lot to be around others trying to loose weight. Hopefully this works well, and I'll talk to you all soon!



  • countrymom
    countrymom Posts: 5
    congrats on the new baby. You have come to the right place for help. The people here are very encourageing and helpful. good luck on your new journey.
  • sprkles
    sprkles Posts: 2
    I'm a newbie too! also had a baby but almost 4 years ago.. my weight went back and forth over the years but never have lost it all.. and Now I'm back up.. I said every excuse why i'm this weight.. I'm tired of the excuses I want to make a change. I found this website, by typing why do I eat all the time and that's all I want to do! It sound like the perfect place to be~! Got to keep this positive vibe with me through the rest of the day. One day at a time.
  • amberchristi
    Exactly! One day at a time! I'm trying to stay positive and realistic. I know the weight won't fall off in a day, so I'm just going to need to be consistant in my life choices and do this the RIGHT way! Thanks for the welcome!