rachyhanney Member


  • Hi Melissa ive also just rejoined and wod love to have a few good buddy's on here for support and encouragement just like yourself, please feel free to add me
    in Hi Comment by rachyhanney May 2016
  • hi there, ive been on this site for nearly two wks now and im finding it very helpful so you should do just fine, you sound like me when it come to the other half mines just the same loves naughty food which doesnt help, add me as a friend if you like mayb we can help each other out.
  • hi there just wanted to say hello and good luck with your weight lose goals! there alot of really nice people on this site and were all in the same boat, we all want to be happy and healthy it just takes abit of hard work, and its always helps to have some one you want to prove to that you can do, for me its my soon to be…
  • hi there, dont feel bad, we all full of the wagon now and again, just get straight back up and start again, i only joined the site last night so im looking for friends to help me along the way.
  • hi there just wanted to say hello and good luck, ive just joined the site to nite i really need to make some changes, and like most things its always good to have the help and surport of others.