kdlfit Member


  • That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing and congratulations. You're a beautiful couple.
  • I'd love to post a picture of three ladies, one at 123lbs, one at 132lbs and the third at 137lbs. The first two are apple shapes, the third a pear. The third is much nicer looking than the other two. I'm a pear also. I'm learning to appreciate my shape and not compare myself to the more straight up and down ones. I'd…
  • Going gluten free is much easier than when I did it 15 years ago. There are so many options now that didn't exist even 5 years ago. Being gluten free AND vegan is doable, but not easy. I was vegan for 1 year and a half, but have added back in some animal protein since I also have Interstitial Cystitis and that limits my…
  • Calorie cycling works. Eat at a deficit for 3 days, then bring up your calories to maintenance level every 4th day. You'll be telling your body you're not starving so you'll lose that last stubborn bit of fat. Strength train at least 3 times a week. Build those muscles so your metabolism with rev up. Eat lower carbs on…
  • I am a recovering scale-a-holic. I no longer worry about that number, but I do keep an eye on the tape measure. The scale is only part of the equation. Water, salt, time of month can all affect the scale. If you're happy with the way your clothes are fitting, then celebrate and keep up the great work!
  • Never heard of Engine 2 before, but I have been eating Vegan since March of 2011. Never felt better. I'm almost 53 years old and in the best shape of my life. My goal is to build muscle and burn of the last bit of fat. My hubby became a believer after watching Forks over Knives which I'm so grateful for. He's not 100%, but…
    in Engine 2 Comment by kdlfit July 2012
  • I have read Thrive too but need to get Robert's book. Great suggestions.
  • I went vegan in March of 2011. I was a vegetarian for 3 years, then went back on a high animal protein diet to try and gain muscle, but then just couldn't handle it anymore. I think I OD'd on chicken breasts and turkey patties. I'm 52 years old and have more energy now than ever. I've been working at gaining lean body mass…
  • Congratulations on your awesome transformation!
  • Hi I'm Karen. I went 100% vegan in March 2011. That makes a year now! I'm 52 years old and have more energy than I have ever had. I love eating a plant-based diet. I lift weights, run, bike, hike and on the verge of seeing my six-pack abs for the very first time in my life. My husband just went vegan after watching Forks…
    in Welcome! Comment by kdlfit March 2012
  • It's pretty hard to go low carb while eating vegan. I've found eating a ton of green leafy veggies and adding pea, hemp & rice protein powders into my smoothies. I've cut down on fruit. Only one or at the most two fruits a day. I've been trying to increase my protein and decrease carbs but end up around 150g carbs a day at…
  • Just found this group. I've been mixing pea, rice and hemp protein powder together. Vega and Sun Warrior are expensive and I can 1.2 pounds rice protein for $7.50 from Amazon.com, pea protein in bulk for $9.00 a pound and hemp for $8.00 a pound. That makes the cost only around $25.00 for over 3.2 pounds. I add stevia,…
  • I've been vegan for a year now. Branden Brazier's Thrive book helped me a lot. Also the documentary Forks Over Knives. Dr. Colin Campbell's China Study is an eye opener as well.