

  • Not eating enough - Minimum around 1200 calories especially with exercise - If you dont fuel your body you will not burn your fuel effectively. Add good nutritious calories. High in nutrient value - low in calories - ie vegetables. Keep moving forward - you will break through the barrier.
  • Start with a plan Then if you don't have any DVD/tapes. Check your library there maybe some available there that you can review and see what you like. Depending on if you are a dance or non dance style - personally I like the p90x style / insanity workouts. Check out you tube. Look up workouts there. Rock body tv etc. you…
  • Figuring your BMR based on height weight and age is just an apporx. To determine your true resting rate you need to test. There are a few ways to do this - check with local health clubs and fitness centers for a device called BODY GEM. This will actually measure your oxygen gas exchange and give you a good idea of your…