Somebody please tell me where the starting line is???

Hello friends. I am writing this in hopes to get some feedback on some exercise videos I am planning on using. Unfortunately I let my membership at the YMCA expire and I am not in a position to renew at this time. I love the YMCA; I managed to lose close to 90 pounds in about a year. I went pretty faithfully to zumba and did a lot of cardio on the elliptical. I started working midnights in May and have lost my motivation to go to the gym. I love and miss all my friends from zumba very much, but even that has not motivated me to get back into it.
My Valentine’s Day gift was a Fit Bit this year. I absolutely love this lil device and try not to leave home without it. It really motivates me to keep moving but there is a down side to the gadget. Once I linked my MFP I no longer needed to record my activities it synced automatically. This has been a negative effect on my motivation; I actually liked logging my activity and feeling good about it. Your friends know when you are active and are more encouraging. My friends here have been a huge part of my success. Thanks everyone!!!
Over the years I have collected quite the fitness collection and after taking inventory I realized that I could really get fit right at home. My only excuse was I did not own a DVD/VCR combo, so tonight I ordered one from eBay.
I do own a few random items like a step machine, kettle bells, hand weights as well.
My question is where do I start????? Any advice is welcome.
Please take a moment to read my list and let me know if you have used any of the programs and how well it worked for you. Keep in mind some of these are old!!


• The Firm Sculpt- Upper body, standing legs, and 5 day abs set of 3

• The Firm Body Sculpting system 2 set of 3

• Billy Blanks TAE*BO Ultimate Body Workout for men and women set 4

• Quick Callanetics- Hips and Behind

• Kathy Smith- Functionally Fit Peak Fat Burning


• 30 day Shred Jillian Michaels

• Zumba Exhilarate full set As seen on TV

• Billy Blanks Boot camp Elite set of 5

• Total Yoga Level 1,2,3

• Simply Ball with Palates Principles

• Tone it up Weighted workout

• Abs and Thigh trainer with DVD

• Brazilian Butt Lift


  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I would suggest to start wherever you feel most comfortable. Whether that's by trying out one video for a while and then introducing more or otherwise.

    Well done on your loss and wanting to pick up exercise again! Really, you HAVE started.

    Also, as far as the fitbit syncing goes, What I do is see how many calories my food page tells me my fitbit has given me at the end of a workout and type a status of "Babyworms burned xxx calories doing x minutes of x" just so that I could see it in writing and still be sharing with my friends what I was doing. I found that helpful!

    (in fact, I'm going to start doing it again!)

    Good luck!
  • Playingwithfire89
    Calorie restriction is seriously the best place
  • MarchelleLynne
    MarchelleLynne Posts: 229 Member
  • Jose2828
    First you should determine your goals then map out a strategy that fits your life style that will support your efforts. What are your goals?
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    30 Day shred
  • Jose2828
    First you should determine your goals then map out a strategy that fits your life style that will support your efforts. What are your goals?

    Think S.M.A.R.T. when setting your goals - Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely
  • dhein
    dhein Posts: 3
    Start with a plan
    Then if you don't have any DVD/tapes. Check your library there maybe some available there that you can review and see what you like. Depending on if you are a dance or non dance style - personally I like the p90x style / insanity workouts. Check out you tube. Look up workouts there. Rock body tv etc. you can find all kinds of interval style workouts that do not require a lot of equipment. Good luck ONE DAY AT A TIME. JUST DON'T QUIT