jhsimpson Member


  • I did B/C for a few months. Stopped when I figured out the repetition in their workout programming. There are some great resources on the Internet. Just need the motivation and initiative if you like to do your own thing. For some, a Group X class (check out your local commerical gym or Y) gives that accountability. Then…
  • Take a peek here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI3MTg3MzEy.html This is the vid that Les Mills send the local instructors to learn the 'release'. This is release #80 which s/b the 1Q 2012 release!
  • I agree that Kettlebell Instruction/Training from an instructor is highly recommended. However, sometimes that is impractical or impossible to locate one-on-one or group classes in your area. I would like to point you to another site called VIDEO FITNESS. There is a discussion thread covering kettlebell.:…
  • Curious if any of the 2012 changes have been formally announced. My WW @ Work session wrapped before the US Thanksgiving Day Holiday. If I want to continue, I'll need to convert to a traditional meeting format. I'm debating to shelve WW in lieu of MFP but I'd love to know what tweaks to Points Plus are occurring?