

  • the program is the real deal... I finished at the end of April, and recently started over... I suggest going to and find a forum where everyone starts on the same day. good luck!!!!
  • Rach.. I would def say to join the forums on find people who started the same day to keep you motivated. Take one day at a time... u got this thing... good luck!!!!
    in P90X+ Comment by malta1982 May 2009
  • I try to track all my calories burnt etc. Im a marathoner, so its easy to track calories during my runs etc. I'm also a p90x grad, it was harder to track those, but I would say your burning 1000 calories per day, with teh exception of maybe kempo..... the workouts are just sick! (esp plyo)
    in P90X+ Comment by malta1982 May 2009
  • Best thing to do is breath as naturally as possible. Your body should adapt to the temp. If you get sort of a burning feeling, breathing through your nose should help compensate for this, or you can breath through a scarf (or turtleneck etc)... Good luck!!!
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