pvtnick Member


  • Try changing things up. I started, did well, lost a bout 20 plus pounds then got lazy and gained some back so picking back up. What the diet books and shows don't tell you is that it is a continuous journey. You have to focus on the long term and making the changes that will make a difference over time. You wont lose 20…
  • If you are really worried try to commit yourself to going once when they are mid busy. Too many people and its tough to get on the equipment and too empty and you may feel even more self conscious. Take your headphones and just focus on what you went to do. When you leave you may notice that you may not have noticed any…
    in Gym Phobia Comment by pvtnick April 2013
  • I used to jump on anything sugar free or fat free but these don't equate to calorie free. Take a look at the calorie counts and see how they stack up and how well they fit in with your goals. And yea nothing beats plain water. When I first started I hated drinking water so i used to pour a small glass of water and just…
  • I mean to say a bigger commitment *than* you needed to.
  • Find a site like allrecipes.com and search the ingredients. You may have make a bigger commitment that you needed to at once but hey, like you said, having it around is a good motivator. Since you bought so much I would look for simple recipes or ways to incorporate it into the way you usually eat, such as making eggplant…
  • I can honestly say I've never even considered pre-logging. I log as I eat and I've found that looking up various foods helps me better control my portion sizes or make better decisions since I spend so much time eating on the go.
  • I have this problem and I weigh in a couple times a day as well. I usually weigh in as soon as i get up, after going to the gym and again at night and sometimes in between. Obsessive? Probably. But I was worried because I was getting fluctuations of as much as 4 lbs within 5 mins for no apparent reason. Nice to know I'm…
  • I'd love to get it on this. I lost actually about 22 lbs (5 more than my tracker says) and I hit a a temporary plateau after having to go off diet for two weeks. (Ironically enough, I lost 4 lbs during two weeks of stuffing my face, but don't try this lol). Since I have gotten back home and back in, it's been slow going. I…
  • One thing that has worked for me (if you have the willpower) is if you crave something, get it but do not eat all of it. Since you say you crave a scone everyday, maybe cut it into quarters and keep it for a few days or share with someone so it's not there to tempt you. When I started doing that, even the smaller portions…
  • Forty freakin' dollars?!?!?!??!!?
  • It seems like the problem may be more about what you are eating. You need to make sure you are eating filling but healthy foods and take a look at portions of unhealthy foods. There are a lot of things that small portions = huge calories, especially junk food. Sometimes you may have to step back and decide is that extra…
  • I personally am not a fan of the "five finger" shoes because they give me no arch support when I run. However if they work for you, go for it. I honestly would not recommend a new runner try them though because if they need the arch support like I do, they just spent a lot of money on weird looking shoes.
  • Make sure you are not trying to run everyday, that may be too much stress on your shins. A recommendation that helped me is to point your toes and write the alphabet with them as this helps strengthen the shins. But most of all, just take it easy and slowly work your way up because you get more out of doing lower intensity…
  • Everyone has their opinions so here is mine. If I earn say 400 calories in exercise I may eat roughly 150-200 of them but never more. You lose weight by burning more energy that you take in so I figure if I don't eat all my exercise calories that's just more weight gone. The person who's friend eats all her calories in ice…
  • I'm more focused on clothing size because I have a pretty solid build. Most people I know who wear the same size clothes as I do weigh 10-15 lbs less :-(
  • Good luck with that. Make sure that you take the time to learn how to change your diet and exercise while you are on it because I have heard quite a few people complain that they lose a lot while on Nutrisystem but when they go off they gain it all back and then some. Still, I wish you the best of luck with your long term…
  • First and most important make sure you set small goals instead of focusing on the big one. You are trying to lose a lot so I would just focus on say 5 lbs at a time. E.g. you are at 250, focus on getting to 245. That is my first way to stay motivated. Make plans to change little things at a time instead of trying to change…
  • I'm assuming you have a treadmill at home since you said you can't leave your kids alone. What kind of distractions do you have? (Music, TV etc.) You also don't necessarily have to do intervals every day. Try varying the length and intensity of your routine, maybe intervals every other workout, in between do a longer…