

  • There could be a number of reasons for this weight gain you are having. You may actually be losing fat but building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Give it about a month and keep working out and eating right and you should see the results you want (the number on the scale going down). I also suggest you see a…
  • You look SO GOOD! Not fat but curvy like a woman should look. If you feel healthy and are healthy (no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no high cholesterol) then that is more important than what you weigh. Even if you get to 190 that should be fine. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and veggies and get exercise. My friend…
  • Good idea to stay motivated to move our bodies. I already walk 3 short blocks to work and then back again. I really need to take my dog out walking because she loves it and needs it too. I can take on another 15-30 minutes of walking per day with my dog. She keeps me on a pretty good pace too. I'm shooting for 500 minutes…
  • I can really see the difference in your body before and after. You have given me new inspiration. How long did it take you to lose the 70 pounds? What else is the secret to your success?
  • The most southwesternly city on the US mainland - IMPERIAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA
  • People with any type diabetes beed to really watch their carbs and keep their blood sugar in check. Carbs are complex sugars and break down in the body like sugar but a little slower. They are easier to break down with exercise, of course. Some carbs, of course, are necessary, especially before exercise but I know type 2…
  • I was reading the other day on Denise Austin's website where someone asked her if the best way to lose weight was by cutting carbs or cutting fat. She worked with Jack LaLane, who was talking about health, fitness and exercise in the 1950s and he lived to over 96 years old. She also looks pretty damn good for a woman in…
  • I'm sorry but the Miracle Noodles are so gross. I hate the taste and the texture. And I really hate the smell, even after washing them. I just don't eat pasta or rice any more but these disgusting Miracle Noodles are no substitute for real pasta. I tried these Miracle Noodles with other sauces and spices and I still…
  • I happen to love cardio - especially latin dance and jazzercise. I really like to get moving with the music. But everyone has to do what they like to be successful. If you don't like something you won't stick to it. I also walk the 15 minutes to work each way and that saves me gas, which is so expensive. It also gets my…
  • I think you should go to the party if your good friends will be there and if you want to enjoy watching the game with them, especially on a large screen. The party is probably not just about the food but about having a good time too. I'd go and keep my mind on having fun and not so much on the food. If you have friends at…
  • I have the Soda stream and I love it. I think it does help the environment by not having to buy all those other plastic bottles afterwards. Plus, buying soda bottles can be heavy. I don't even buy the bottled water any more because of it being so heavy; I have a Brita filter pitcher and love it. But anyway, I buy my Soda…