

  • Thanks for the Welcome! I'm sure that I will have pleanty of people to keep me motivated and on track!
  • Thanks I think joining is going to be a HUGE help! So far everyone has been so nice!
  • "Also, my husband and I have created a beer for chocolate barter in our house. I control his access to beer and he hides the chocolate from me. If I need some chocolate or he wants a beer we've got to negotiate. The real trick is that both of us are pretty motivated to lose weight so maybe you can work out a cheese for…
  • LOL...yeah it's hard! I'm just ready to make changes in my eating habits. I'm so tired of feeling tired all the time. I get up feeling bad and go to sleep feeling bad. So bith of us decided that it was time for change. So no chocolate or cheese for the time (I'll admit can't do without it forever)
  • I hear ya...I joined as well hoping that something newwould help motivate me in losing weight. Good Luck!
  • Hello all I'm new here...joined to get moral support in this virtual world! I hope that I can help motivate others as I know I will be motivated. Current weight is 187 lbs want to get down to 140. This is the first day to a slimmer hope to talk to you all in the future!