In the past, what's made me end up overeating is when I am too restrictive, and it backfires big time. I've been following a sensible, healthy eating plan and because I'm eating enough during the day, I no longer feel the urge to overeat in the evening because I'm feeling satisfied and not as though I'm depriving myself at…
Hi, I'd really like some weight-loss friends too so hope I can also join this thread? I'm following a diet plan put together for me by a diet coach, which I'm finding really good, but I'm just lacking a bit of group support at the moment!
Have you been exercising whilst dieting?
Apparently they're in the process of expanding their website, and a chat forum is one of the features they're planning on including - hope it's added sooner rather than later..! Lost another 3lbs this week, so feeling positive and motivated at the moment :smiley:
Thanks for the link, I'll have a read through.
The sugar in fruit isn't quite the same as refined sugar in other foods, as fruit also contains water and fibre which prevents a blood sugar spike from the sugar content. As others have said, I wouldn't worry about tracking sugar levels if it's from fruit.
Thanks for the replies - yes I think I'll contact them and ask if they would consider adding a chatroom facility to their website. For those asking what the benefits are - I like having a plan worked out for me by a nutritionist so I know it's healthy, especially as I have quite a few foods I need to avoid due to…
Just me then I guess :D