

  • Calories, Fibre Protein Iron Calcium Vitamin C plus Exercise and Water and Breakfast Morning Snack Lunch Afternoon Snack Dinner Evening Snack I don't always eat that many mini meals, but I know that it's often healthier and it helps me track stuff that I eat, but tend to forget more easily, in between meals, by making me…
  • Eve: It WILL get better. I've joined here recently (Aug) as well, but took this weight off before I had a kid and complications from recovering from giving birth. When I first started to exercise at 232 lbs I thought I would try Aquafit. The idea was: no one can see me underwater and it will be a nice, soothing workout…
  • I've done a slow healthy weight loss before and lost over 50 pounds in about a year and every single month I had a week where I did not lose or even gained weight. When you track over months, you will start to notice what your body does to your metabolism and weight loss during different parts of your cycle. If you do not…