Monthly Period questions?

AimingHighWeighingLow Posts: 192 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I weighed myseld two days...shouldn't of done it felt fat yday and only weighed myself a couple of day prior, I hadn't gained anything, but the monthly monster visited today. I have felt really bloated the last couple days. So...question,,,,,,,,,,

Do you personally gain weight during your monthly visit?? I have never checked ....I hope so...because if you do I can expect weight loss when I weight myself next week!

Also I read that exercise is more effective during your period, and that you can expect to lost half a pound a cycle as your BMR goes up by as much as 300calories a day???

Thats where I got the info from.


  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I usually weigh 2 pounds more during the TOM. It's all water retention.
    I also hear your metabolism goes up during the week, so make sure you eat healthy and you should be able to lose more weigh then usual during this week!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I usually gain a little but if I stay on track with eating and exercise, I see a good loss the following week.
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    I usually weigh 2 pounds more during the TOM. It's all water retention.
    I also hear your metabolism goes up during the week, so make sure you eat healthy and you should be able to lose more weigh then usual during this week!

    ^ This ^

    @Apryl... I *LOVE* your signature!! Hayao Miyazaki is awesome!! :)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    For me I can weigh as much as 2-6 pounds more during TOM. Best thing to do is to keep your routine in place. Watch your eating and continue to exercise. I usually see a good loss the next week after
  • Healthy eating all the way now! What an incentive.......never been so glad to have my monthly monster !
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Yes, I believe it's pretty normal. I usually weigh a lb. or two more during that time, and last month gained nearly 5 in just a day, and lost it back after a couple days. I try to be extra careful during that time (low on carbs, salty foods) and drink lots of water!
  • Depends on how bad the monthly monster is!! I have gained anything from 2 - 6lbs!! I weigh myself everyday to keep me in check and I weigh myself before bed to see how much I have put on in the day lol

    yes I addicted to weighing. It keeps me in check.

    This month I gained 2lb two days before I had the monster. Then lost 2lb after he went to visit someone else.

  • I lost 7 pounds the first two weeks I started to diet and exercise. Then, my TOM came and I gained back 5 or 6 pounds. I was so distraught. Then, after my menstrual, I went down only 2 or 3 pounds and haven't been able to lose any since then.

    I was 180 when I started MFP and 173 before my TOM. After my TOM, I fluctuated from 176 to 174. It has been nearly two weeks and I still have yet to get back to 173 or to lose any beyond that. A lot of people told me it was normal to gain at least 5 pounds on your TOM, but no one said anything about it being difficult to lose after you are done with it!

    So, yes you will gain weight. I just wish I can start losing again. I exercise everyday and try not to go over my 1200 calories. I hope this helped, but if you do figure out why I am having trouble losing the weight I gained on my TOM, please let me know.
  • This is Awesome! I have noticed an increase in weight during this time but I never knew that your metablism can work harder for you! Love it.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    OMG- i always weight more anywhere between 2- 6 lbs.... I just eat right and exercise as much I can. I'm usually in a lot of pain. Do the best you can.
  • mznikab
    mznikab Posts: 36
    :cry: Yeah, I do....But's normal to gain a bit when your period rolls around...cause you are retaining all the water...and plus your body is collecting all the blood to get rid of to clean your don't worry too's only a few days of each month...Good Luck!!!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I usually gain a little but if I stay on track with eating and exercise, I see a good loss the following week.

    Same here!
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I gain about 5-6 pounds for a few days, then it goes away as long as I stay on track.
  • I know that when I first weighed in (last week) I really didn't like my weight and i had just started. When I weighed myself at the end of the week, I had lost 4 lbs and figure it is b/c of being done with my period. So that was good news. I did find though that using MFP helped me not crave the salty, full of carbs snacks that I usually consume during this time. I still wanted them, but it was much easier to limit myself since I have a goal to reach.
  • MB4ever
    MB4ever Posts: 18
    Yup, gotta love PMS stuff. I usually gain it in my belly and boobs about a week prior. I've never weighed myself during that time I just know because everything is tighter. I try and watch what I eat at that time and 2 days into it I'm feeling comfortable again in my clothes. :smile:
  • I've done a slow healthy weight loss before and lost over 50 pounds in about a year and every single month I had a week where I did not lose or even gained weight. When you track over months, you will start to notice what your body does to your metabolism and weight loss during different parts of your cycle. If you do not know all of the phases of your cycle (pre-ovulation, ovulation, pre-menstrual, menstrual, you might want to track that as well until you know your own cycle well.

    Another thing that helped with understanding my weight loss and it's connection to my specific cycle was a scale that has a body fat measurement. It provides another goal that is not based on pounds alone, and it will show you your fitness progress even in weeks when you have "gained". My two cents.

    And glad to be back on board eating healthier and moving more... finally!
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    I'm glad you posted this. I was wondering the same thing today because my period is going to start soon. :grumble:
  • evafury
    evafury Posts: 15 Member
    So glad to read this, I was feeling really crappy about my .5-1 lb gain after working so hard the last week (on top of feeling crappy since my period is due to begin today or tomorrow). Healthy eating and exercise it is!
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