

  • I use a treadmill which has my weight programmed in and it gives me calories burned for my weight.yey on MFP it always give me more calories so I adjust the calories to what my treadmill says I burned,I think the treadmill reading is more accurate.
  • Great Job! Thanks for the motivation, exercise pays off.
  • The thing I noticed with ww is they tell u to exercise and that's the end of it.They mention it but that's about it.I think with fp you see your calorie intake as soon as you log it and that makes me want to walk,ride a bike,at least do something even if it's house cleaning.and the whole don't count fruits and veggies…
  • I alternate my drinks ,for example if I have a glass of tea or pop the next glass I drink is for every drink I have, I have also drank the same amount of water.
  • FOCUS on the fact u have lost,and u probably have more muscle from working out. try not to get depressed about it.I have spent most of the last 18 yrs dwelling on the size and weight I was as at teenager and through my 20's.I wished I had of took off a pound a week , or even 2 lbs a month because eventually it will all add…
  • very encouraging! be proud of your self
  • I have the same problem,i have to watch calories and carbs,when i eat mainly lean meat and vegtables i can loose. If you are insulin resistant even too much fruit thats low in calories but high in sugar can stall weight loss,i would read south beach diet book in order to understand how sugar effects some people, not all…