Debjaa Member


  • Just getting back into MFP... My word for 2015 is Wellness. Is what I'm choosing to do (or eat) contributing to my wellness - physical, social, mental, spiritual? I have had some foot problems the past 6 months and it really set me back. It's still a problem but I'm now determined to move ahead. My physical goals - lose…
  • I am 56 years old. I'd love to lose 15 pounds, but would be happy to lose 10 by the beginning of June. I was making progress last summer (lost 6) by doing lots of walking and then developed plantar fasciitis, so stopped walking. Then I sprained the ankle of the same foot.... Kind of gave up and have gained it all back.…
  • I can eat any plain raw veggies I want and not log them in. :laugh:
  • I have a friend who went wheat free after reading Wheat Belly and encouraged me to do the same. I didn't consider it until she told me how much better her hot flashes are. Since my hot flashes can start a forest fire, I tried it and wow! It really did make a difference for me. So I avoid wheat (not perfectly) and milk…
  • Dreary, dreary weather today... cold & wet outside... and it looks like it will be that way for the next 10 days.... yuk... Makes it hard to get outside and walk (my favorite exercise) so I may need to go to the fitness center nearby. Not my favorite, but if I take my headphones, I can watch HGTV while I'm on the…
  • Wow! This is a crazy busy thread, isn't it??? Two days keeping track and so far so good - walked 45 minutes each day, logged my food each day and kept to my calorie limit each day. Yay! I need all the reinforcement I can get, so don't mind me if I post what's working & what's not... thanks! Deb
  • Greetings! I've been trying to lose a dreaded 10 pounds on my own and not doing so well.... I'd really like to lose 8-10 pounds before going to visit friends in mid-June. I know this is possible if I could just get get back to healthy habits. This discussion thread seems like it's what I need to be more accountable to…