
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; long day and I'm turning in early.

    Rita and Amanda: thinking of your health problems.
    Joyce: hope things go better soon.

    Hope everyone has a good night,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Barbie - so happy you found a fine truck. I've always wanted a truck. In fact I have always wanted what the Australians call a ute. I don't know what I'd do with it , but I think they're cool. Perhaps I could go round antiques fairs buying stuff!:laugh: Our new car has a big boot (trunk). Can't wait to go on our self catering holiday in May and fill it up! ! ! :laugh: Our last car you couldn't get two large suitcases in and then when it was loaded it was so slow on the hills you had to change right down.

    Amanda - congrats on getting them to sort you out a date. My op was a breeze and I got over it pretty quickly. I see my doctor on Thursday for the results of my x rays on my knee. I'm not holding my breath for any quick treatment. :noway: When I injured the other knee I had to wait 5 months for physio, by which time the knee had healed itself.!:laugh:

    Talk about waiting, I have heard nothing on my window.:explode: :mad: :explode:

    Night, night sweet ladies. Heather in quiet Hampshire UK
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Heather- I'm addicted to Star Wars books. Lol

    Vicki-I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking. I took it for about 2 months, and then stopped cause I started thinking about killing myself. I've never thought anything could be bad enough to kill myself for.(I'd just disappear, run away). My doctor put me on Citalopram 20 mg. I've taken it about 2 months and feel better with no thoughts about killing my self. He said it was to be only 6 months if I needed it.
    Well dinner is calling me to start cooking.

    Tigress in GA
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Popping in to save my place:bigsmile:
  • Turkishvan
    Turkishvan Posts: 5 Member
    I'm here. I am 50 something and I was a Take Off Pounds Sensibly member. I stopped going because it conflicted with my exercise class. I have not been able to move the scale for a good solid year. I lose a few pounds and gain them back. I want a different approach. I suspect if I'm not in TOPS I may do better if I check in on a regular basis with people on the same life journey. On paper I "merely" have about 20 pounds but I'm not sure if it's metabolism, really bad eating habits, medication (I'm taking Cymbalta and feel I can't stop that along with high blood pressure,cholesterol and just feel stuck. If I could lose a bit even if I never make my tops goal of 130 I'd feel that I'm doing more than spinning in a circle. I go to MFP and for a while will regularly log in and then I stop. I noticed at times that I eat at least 2-3 days a week twice as much as my caloric goal. I guess I'm frustrated and close to feeling that maybe I just need to get adjusted with where I am.

    I started gaining in my early 40s and it just kept coming on. I don't want to go back to my really bad previous state so I'm hesitant to give up the ghost because I could see without some plan of action all that I lost could come back on. It's nice to know there are other women out there 50 something still trying to keep it real as the children say! :frown:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just got back from the dentist to fix that broken molar. 4 needles to freeze now I can't feel most of my mouth. No dinner for me tonight, just relaxing waiting for the freezing to come out. Of course because I can't eat I really want to eat :laugh: Isn't that always the way.

    I'll catch up with everyone later.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 538 Member
    Hope you feel better Sandy.

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    Cindy in OK
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    If I pop in again will y'all ditch me for a new thread?

    If that makes no sense just know that I am a bad sleeper and by the end of the day I'm brain dead!

    Nice to find all of you guys.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. Not much to report today. Quiet day at work for once. I’m getting frustrated with my co-writer on the test bank; I haven’t heard from her in about 3 weeks so I emailed her and her response was “I got all the chapters and I’m working on them.” Not that helpful! I’m done with my three copyedited book chapters so I’ll have a little break from that for a couple of weeks. Did my weight lifting today. Tonight “Deadliest Catch” starts a new season. I love that show!

    Cara: welcome aboard. You joined by posting! I am a fat addict…not so much the sugar but things like chips and cheese…..manna from heaven. In fact my favorite snack is fritos with cheddar!

    Yanniejannie: you go girl! 1950s it is, except I think texting is fun for fun stuff, not important conversations. We do have an answering machine, but what I refuse to do is look at caller id. I’ll have someone say “I called last night, why didn’t you call me back”. “did you leave a message?” “no.” ‘Then how do I know you called!” I also hate call waiting…I hang up. Congrats on the weight loss

    Cynthia: ok spill…what’s a Antartian?

    Alison: I hate to say this but I am pretty disheartened about the state of medical care these days, particularly physicians. They seem to have no common sense.

    Carol: I adore asperagus. We had a stir fry last night with it and corn and tofu. It was magnificent! Good news on the hospital bill.

    Kim: I SO love the fact that I don’t like chocolate….at Easter and Halloween I buy tons for the family and the goblins and am not tempted. Now jelly beans I’ll eat any day. The real ones though…the old fashioned ones.

    Debbie; welcome aboard and congratulations on quitting smoking! That was one healthy decision!

    Sylvia: one day and one piece of pie won’t undo you! Glad you looked great in the jeans. I have dog/cat hair all over everything!

    Joyce: I always feel bad reading about hubbys who talk like that to their wives. I’m so sorry. Good for you to tell him to take you home.

    Michele: OMG I just realized I need Easter tablecloths too! LOL Shopping spree!

    Beth: sometimes you have to make those decisions! The stress and drama are often not worth it.

    Barbie: yay for the new truck!

    Moutainsong: someone has probably already answered, but typing “bump” just saves a spot….the thread will show up on top of your list of places you post. I open a word document at the same time I’m reading and read one post and reply before going on to the next.

    DeeDee: I had to secretly smile at your cranky old lady!

    Amanda: hope you find your head and some relaxation

    Patty: yes I have decided I’m done with being so involved with DD#1 and her issues. She’s a big girl and will have to work through this. Her BF texted us last night that she had already decided to keep the child three weeks ago. Counseling….she would not ever go to a counselor. We took both kids for a while and DD#1 thought it was horrible, so that’s out.

    Cindy: enjoy that great weather. Soon it will be hot and humid!

    Katla: canoeing sounds like so much fun!

    Jane: hooray!

    Jb: cha cha away!!!!

    Tigress: you go girl!!!

    Cindy: Tomasina was one of my favorite movies!

    Eileen: congrats on the upcoming grandbaby!

    Rita; I hope you find something that works for the arthritis~

    OK gotta run. Dinner is on the table. Night ladies. Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    Barbie: Congratulations on the new truck. I want to know all about the pooch pouch as my dog is getting my new back seat dirty. I’m over pouting about spending money and really like the new car.:flowerforyou:
    ick with us. We’ll give you as much encouragement as we can.:flowerforyou:

    Katla, what we have in the back seat is actually called a hammock for dogs. We bought the ones we have many years ago for the dog we had before the poodles so I have no idea where we got them but I googled "back seat dog hammock" and saw many choices. They keep the seats clean and keep the dogs from sliding off the seat onto the floor if you stop suddenly.
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Hello Everyone :heart: :flowerforyou:
    Missed this board =(

    Using my phone is just not the same.
    Keep up the good work Ladies :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:

    In West Virginia
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    If I pop in again will y'all ditch me for a new thread?

    If that makes no sense just know that I am a bad sleeper and by the end of the day I'm brain dead!

    Nice to find all of you guys.

    We like to give a warm welcome, Deborah! We are a chatty bunch and tend to fill threads quickly.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Ok. First, I want to preface this post by recognizing that while it was an emotional and stressful day for my 16yo son ... there are certainly more serious problems in life as evidenced by many of your posts. There are more serious situations in OUR family. But here's what happened today.

    A headache last night after baseball morphed into a raging migraine this morning. He was unable to attend school. By late morning he had some improvement and we had a heart to heart talk. As a result, this afternoon he met with his high school coach and pulled himself off the team. It took a lot strength to personally close the door on one of his dreams, but it was the appropriate and responsible thing to do. He told his coach that as much as he loved playing ... and yesterday's performance was just a bad day ... he needs to focus on his classes and his future. His health situation has been making that difficult. We're all a little deflated tonight ... baseball has been our focus for years ... he was hoping for a college scholarship down the road... but there are no regrets. Son is expressing relief and that says it all. He plans to still play ball for a second travel team he's on ... he seems to stress less with them ... and most of their games will be after school is over for the year.


    Needing a laugh ... I went to Zumba tonight ... I really am clueless there! But I worked up a good sweat and just wiggled when I couldn't figure out what they were doing!:laugh:

    Didn't eat much ... but my system has needed a break from chocolate overload so that's ok. And when I'm stressed I cook, so today I cooked up individual portions of steel cut oats and crustless quiche to freeze for quick breakfasts.

    Tomorrow is another day ... thanks for letting me share!
    Beth in Western New York
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Marking my spot for later.
    Thank you everyone who sent back encouraging words in response to my expressing overall funk. Feeling better today.

    Sending positive energy and love to you all. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Rori from the Colorado Foothills.
  • Debjaa
    Debjaa Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! This is a crazy busy thread, isn't it???

    Two days keeping track and so far so good - walked 45 minutes each day, logged my food each day and kept to my calorie limit each day. Yay!

    I need all the reinforcement I can get, so don't mind me if I post what's working & what's not... thanks!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member

    I need all the reinforcement I can get, so don't mind me if I post what's working & what's not... thanks!

    One of the things I like about this thread is that there is always someone here to listen to what you have to say about your food and exercise, unlike your face-to-face community that will roll their eyes if you report your daily food and exercise and your new insights into healthy eating and exercise.....please keep coming back and share all you want...we are listening and cheering you on

    :bigsmile: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Beth I have a young very talented in several sports and was also oping to have a full scholarship for college using his sports. He was on only child and his parents devoted their entire lives into his sports. They were in the traveling sports teams and everything. It also put them into a group of people that lived a little above their budget. Anyway, Alex was a B and C student in high school. He decided on his own that he wanted to quit all sports so he could concentrate soley on studies so he could get an acedemic scholarship instead of athletic. He is now straight A and in Honor club. His parents couldn't be prouder of him. It also has made him gain a lot of weight since he isn't in the gymn all the time. But he is so proud of his own decision. Your son will do fine. I think he knows how much you all care about all of him, not just how he does in sports but how he is physically and emotionally. You may even be closer as a family because of it. He sounds like a good guy.

    Well CBS had reruns on their NCIS's tonight so we looked at our DVR to see what we had. Recently DirecTv had a free HBO/Cinemax weekend and we recorded quite a few movies. We love all the Star Trek movies and Star Trek Insurrection was on. It was from 1998 so even though we were sure we had watched it we went ahead and recorded it. Well we watched it tonight and found that we hadn't watched it. Or maybe we are old enough we forgot all of it:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: When I was looking through all the listings to see what I was going to record I decided to record the Abraham Lincoln movie. I thought it was strange that it was vampire slayer but I recorded it anyway. So this afternoon I put it on. The first 15 minutes it seemed like it was a good movie about what we all believe Lincoln was all about. But then it switched from Lincoln as a boy to him as a man and he got attacked by this vampire. Well that was enough. I selected delete real quick.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everybody, Just marking my spot. A long, long day at work. When I am gone for a few days, and come back, I kinda feel like I am in the wrong thread. lol Boy, things hop around here. I sure do like to see how all is doing.

    I went to the Griefshare counselor. It went well. I will see her each week until the group starts up in September.

    Carol - I love asparagus! Try roasting brussels sprouts the same way. Absolutely delish! ( cut them in half first)

    Would like to say more, but I need to get some sleep.

    Be healthy and strong women.

    Kathrine from Kansas
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Hello to my long lost friends...and to nine kazillion new ones. I'm amazed by how much this board has grown in the time I've been away. I've been gone too long. That's the crux of the matter. Too long translates to too many pounds. I thought I'd never regain the weight I lost. Sadly, I did. But only half! Hey...looking at it as "cup half full" that's a victory. Or, at least, half a victory!

    My ticker shows the number of pounds I want to lose to get to a healthy weight. I like it better than the one that shows my weight. It's a new way of looking at it for me. And, even though 79 pounds may sound like a lot to some, it's not that big a deal to me considering where I started. I can do this. Gosh darn it, I don't know why I stayed away so long because I really can do it.

    Barbie, I'm taking a page out of your book and will track the number of steps that I take using the cute little Fit Bit tracker that my daughter gave to me for Christmas. I don't know how many steps to expect to take so I'm making my goal for the first week just 5,000 steps a day. A second goal will be to walk more steps by the end of the week than at the beginning.

    There. Those goals shouldn't be too hard. Those and a pound a week are all I ask.

    It's good to be back.

    MimiPersists (formerly Mimi7Grands)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,694 Member
    Deborah – we don’t ditch anyone…

    Turkishvan – welcome; I thought I ate pretty well before I started logging every single mouthful – portions too big and too too too much sugar…. So I would suggest log everything for a month and see if that helps. :smile:

    Beth – Good for your son, he is making tough decisions at a very young age.

    Deb – good job!!!

    MimiPersists – welcome back!

    So tomorrow I am filling in for the snack lady at a garden club event - and I wanted to be able to have some of what ever I made. The ladies are used to a baked goodie, and I love to bake; so figured I could work on a recipe I have and know is good and lighten it up a bit... So I did! :smile: and it came out good - I put the recipe on my blog which I have NO IDEA how to add a link here .... but it is a pumpkin ginger muffin; and for a full sized muffin it used to be 237 calories and I got it to 172... just 65 calories less but didn't lose any of the flavor, and I think with some more work I could do better; but wanted to start slowly. So I replaced the 1 cup of oil with non-fat Greek yogurt, I picked lemon, but I will try vanilla next time. And cut the sugar from 2 1/2 cups to 1 1/2 cups. The recipe also calls for 4 eggs; and I left them alone for this time - but I bet I could use egg whites and cut some more calories.

    This was fun! I think I'll be doing some more of this. Well it is 10 pm and I am exhausted... :drinker: sleep well all !

    Kim in N. California