

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Meg: so sorry the boyfriend is being such an a**. Why do people check out when they need to step up? Never understand that. Hugs and strength to you.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    wow, ice, snow, what the heck, had to scrape the car to get to the gym.....but I got there and worked out 2nd time this week:bigsmile:
    gotta keep it up....
    had my lemon water and a banana before I left, having some tea now...10;30 -6 today for work then the next 4 days off whooo hooo
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies, So sorry that I can't read back right now, I hope everyone is doing Ok and I hope to catch up this evening. Did want to say"I passed!" I am now a certified personal trainer! I've talked to the lady who runs our exercise classes here at work and she asked if I'd like to teach a lunch time and an after work class. So execited! I don't work the second job tonight so I hope I'll catch up then.
    God Bless and wisjing health to all.
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Meg:smile: You are certainly dealing with a lot:cry: , wishing you an easy and uncomplicated day today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele:smile: Haven`t talked to SIL about the granite cleaner yet, will try to do that today!

    Kim in N. CAL:smile: I think your platter sounds delish!

    Sylvia:smile: Oh my, that is scary about your granddaughter, so glad someone was there to stay with her! My oldest granddaughter is a girl scout, they meet every other Sunday at 5pm for an hour and a half. You really have a lot going on right now, please take care of yourself too:flowerforyou: !!!

    Sue in TX:smile: Bricks are very heavy, I bet you`ll be a bit sore today:flowerforyou: !

    Amanda:smile: Wishing you peace and contentment too:flowerforyou: !

    Patty:smile: Congrats on passing:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: !!!!

    To all that have snow on the ground...stay warm and safe!!!

    It`s cold here this morning, 30 degrees:noway: . I have already put my winter coats away, might have to get the winter dog walking coat back out:sad: ! While I was eating my grapes last night, my crown fell out:noway: :angry: :sad: , I don`t even know how that can happen:frown: , so today I will be making a trip to visit my dentist:ohwell: , it doesn`t hurt, it just feels odd! Just something I really don`t have time to deal with:sad: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cold NC:frown:
  • stow62
    stow62 Posts: 11
    Afternoon lovely ladies,

    Just a quick reply as need to nip out and get some hot cross buns, I've just realised that we haven't had any this year, we're usually gorging on them from February!! :drinker:

    Your very welcome Heather, I'm so pleased the insurance co helped you. :bigsmile:

    Oooooooooooooooo Cindy, I've printed off that recipe, will give it a go over Easter, sounds delicious:drinker:

    Meg, I'm speechless what a to$$er of a BF:angry: I could say so many things, I hope your DD comes to her senses and dumps him asap, saying that I guess at the end of the day your DD will have to make a life changing decision, to keep the baby or not, my heart goes out to your family, here's hoping your having a better day today:flowerforyou:

    Speak later Val in sunny London UK
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Good morning ladies:

    I hope ya'll have a great day!! I havent had a chance to read all your posts but I hope all is going well.

    I am an emotional eater, trying to get back on track...life sometimes just pounds us in more ways than I like to think, lol.

    Have a great one :-)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Just a quick note before I get my exercise in.

    I ordered a dress from Dillard's for my daughter's wedding. It came yesterday and when I opened the package it was the WRONG Color! I guess I will be making a trip over there today!

    DeeDee: Yes it is cold here today. Hopefully it will be nice by Friday. I'll be coming to W-S to put out flowers on all the graves. My sister & I usually do it together but she is having knee issues and won't be able to help but she did say she would take me out to lunch after I get finished.

    I made crepes for breakfast this morning. Filled DH's with sausage & eggs and mine with raspberries, greek yogurt with a little maple syrup. Yummy!

    Have a wonderful day everyone and if you're in NC stay warm!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good Morning,

    Deedee cold seems to be blanketing the country again.:drinker:

    Patty so proud of you for passing your certified training program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Peace and contentment to you too Amanda.

    Anamika great workout!

    Sue quite the workout. Brick is like rock. It is heavy. We added to the rock in front of our home a few years ago. I remember how sore that left me.

    Kathrine14, 000 steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia upsetting about the Girl Scout meeting. Hope they come up with a different plan when they have to cancel. Hope the CPAP machine is working out better for DH. I know it made a big difference for my mom when she used it. Yes my DH is finished he just doesn’t know it.:laugh:

    Barbie like your eating out plan.

    Tere I like the hold onto our whist and stay calm. Sometimes easier said than done. Congrats on smaller size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kim The Ploughman Platter sounds yum!

    Meg hope your headache is easing.

    Heather the British Museum sounds wonderful. Just my kind of place.

    Jill nice picture from awards ceremony. Congrats!

    Val thank you for your kind thoughts about my son. He is still in shock and doing the best he can under the circumstances. He is still recovering mentally and physically.

    Vicki that is a victory to lose that four pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yanniejannie my heart clinched too when you talked about your mom. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy bars sound yummy. Worth a try.

    Catching up around home today. Not working. Choir tonight.

    Today I will continue to eat a high fiber minimal processed food, so I wake up to a healthier tomorrow.
    2014 word: contentment
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Popping in to mark my place. Have read/skimmed everything, just no time to post.

    It's freezing here!

    Carol in again frigid NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies,

    Meg, more hugs for you! :heart:

    Running behind, will catch up later.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello Phillyb2013! :flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh Dear Meg! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Weds all, let's make it a good one :bigsmile: I'm off to do yoga, strength & dancing, then run errands, walk dogs, go to work and try not to freak out about the recital. :huh:

    :smile: jb zooming around in damp Portland
  • Lu2012NP
    Lu2012NP Posts: 3 Member
    Give Chamomile tea a try. I quit Ambien once I started drinking the tea. There are many flavors and I find it very relaxing to have cup before bed. Plus no "hang over" feeling in the morning!

    Best wishes!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I've been lurking for a few days because I haven't really felt like "talking". Just wanted to pop in with a few responses.

    Meg, my heart goes out to you and your daughter. I am going through something similar (yet oh so different) with my son who tends to disappoint me on something huge just about every single time I start to relax and think he is finally mature and responsible. It's hard to be supportive when your head is reeling with the ramifications and all you want to do is rant and rave and throw things and tell them how stupid they are being. In my son's situation (and I am thinking yours as well), it is extremely difficult to not make it about you when you know that it is going to affect you, especially from a financial standpoint. Tere, your post was ever so timely. You are a wise woman. And to apply something that Barbie said, in relation to her mother, that affects us dealing with our children as well - it is an opportunity for spiritual growth, so we can be thankful for that!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did an hour of a step DVD by Gilad today. It's not very "dancy" but I worked up a sweat today and I'm not a person who sweats a lot. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the yoga class and then take the deep water class.

    stow - thanks so much for asking your daughter for me. That sounds really good. Plus...I have that chocolate cake in the freezer for Vince that needs icing so I can use up extra icing on that. Thanks so much. Glad for your boss that he gave up the cigs but sorry you're having to deal with his backlash.

    Now off to Aldi's since Vince needs chips and I need a few other things

    jb - you have a lot to be proud of with your students, I know that Jessica's music teacher was very proud at their recitals. Even tho it's a lot of work on your part, the end is a great reward

    margaret - I remember going thru some grief counseling when I lost my father. I seem to remember that there was something like 8 stages of grief, and one of the points they made is that not everyone goes thru each and every stage, and some may go thru the stages in a different order. Everyone is unique. I had honestly never heard that letting your fuel tank get below 1/4 puts stress on the fuel pump, but I have heard that when you run your tank down low, you will start to get some of the "crud" that accumulates at the bottom of the tank into your engine, which isn't good

    OK - I admit it, I missed it. What's the story with Meg? Oh wait...her daughter is pg? What's the full story?

    Sylvia - PHEW!!! All that running around!

    Beth - so it's YOU who is causing this weird weather, huh?

    Cindy - black bean and barley salad, sounds so good. Guess you would need to cook the barley beforehand. How long do they tell you to cook it for?

    Heather - we are billed for a minimum number of gallons of water. I forget what the exact number is but we've only gone over a few times in the past few years. Most times we're under the minimum but still have to pay it.

    Gloria - I am so very impressed with how you are sticking with the T25.

    Tere - woohoo on the size L. Going to the gym always makes me feel better

    Vicki - glad you are going to get reimursed for your towing expense. Congrats on the loss

    Heather - that's wonderful that you got your insurance!

    Meg - I just read about your daughter. Oh my! Can't imagine the feelings you're probably going thru right now. Saw this on Facebook, it might put a smile on your face (I do hope so) "I swear some men were conceived thru anal sex. There is no way being that much of an *kitten* is natural". (((hugs to you)))) How sore is your tongue????

    Well, this a.m. after exercising went to Aldi then home and opened my email to find one from Lynette asking me to make her a cake as she's going to a funeral Thurs and needs to take it. So I made her a pumpkin chocolate pound cake. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Something that Vince won't eat, that's for sure. Stopped at one Walgreen to get the jello that I can since there's a limit and I'm sure WalMart will only honor up to the limit. The only flavor that Walgreen carries that Vince'll eat is the cherry, so I got that along with some vanilla instant pudding. Had to go to another Walgreen to get the jello, tho. However, I did find that the Rice Krispies were on sale so I got them since I needed them anyway. Stopped at the health food store as I needed more barley and wanted to try the chia pudding, so got those things. Then went to mahjongg (maj'd twice, and once on a closed hand). Then home to ice the cake and have dinner.

    Tomorrow I'll go to the yoga class then the deep water. Then I need to go to the Food Lion since they're the only one that sells the almond milk that I like, then I'll drop off the cake at Lynette's office, go to CVS to pick up one of Vince's prescriptions, then we have senior bowling then Newcomer bowling in the evening. The good thing is that this is the last time this season that we'll have double bowling. We've heard that the other bowling alley near us is very warm, the guy is too cheap to turn on the a/c, so we'll probably stay here during the summer. But in the winter we are thinking of moving just so that we don't have the general meeting on the same day as bowling. That was tough, Newcomer meeting (general and board) then senior bowling and then there were times when we'd have Newcomer bowling all on the same day. Some of the Newcomers are also talking about perhaps changing the day, instead of having it on Wednesdays have it on Thursdays since a few of them are in the senior league that bowls on Wednesday afternoon. The other league we're thinking of has only 3 people on a team versus the 4 so you finish up earlier. They aren't USBC so no sanctioning fees. Not sure if we were to go to the Wednesday senior league in the summer if we'd need to pay the sanctioning fees. Well....if so, maybe we can be subs? Guess we'll see how this all plays out.

    Lance is being so so good about getting his insulin that, honestly, sometimes I'm beginning to wonder if in fact I'm giving it to him. Yet I feel that needle pierce his skin and I don't feel his fur wet and the syringe is empty so I'm sure I'm giving it to him.

    Jessica has nicknamed him "Lance Pants" but my new nickname for him is "Lovey Lance". He is so loveable! he rubs up against me and lays on my stomach, oh I'm in love.

    Here it is Wednesday. Guesss I forgot to post last night.

    Anyway, took 1 hr class of yoga and then 1 hr class of the deep water. Stopped at Food Lion to get more almond milk (that's the ony place I can get it) and then to CVS to get a prescription for Vince. Then took the cake to Lynette.

    Oh, Loki had another seizure last night. I was in bed with Lance & Shadow and Vince comes in telling me that he had one. Seems he must "know" when he's going to have one because the past few times he's been downstairs and this time he was on his way down the stairs. I suspect he wants to be alone. Anyway, he pee'd on the wall. I don't know, his phenobarb level is right where it should be, don't know if he needs a different med or what.

    yanniejannie - I've fallen asleep in yoga class, too. Not lately, tho. At least for me, if the room is really dark, that puts me in the mood to go to sleep.

    Sylvia - thank goodness the leader stayed with your gd. I'm suspecting that this will be a wake up call to her to get organized, at least with phone numbers.

    phillyb - welcome back!

    Patty - I never for one second doubted that you'd pass your test. Big congrats!

    DeeDee - I keep this "crown glue" that my dentist gave me just for the times when for one reason or other it comes off and I can use this at least until I get to the dentst. Probably the worst part is that the original tooth is drilled down and the nerves might get exposed and hurt. Maybe your dentist has one such kit and you can just keep it "just in case"

    Cindy - your crepes sound yummy. Can you believe how cold its gotten? Two days ago I was asking Vince "are you SURE we can't open the pool yet". Today I had to wear a jacket to the Y.

    Michele in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies,

    I have done 1/2 of my workout and am on a break. I don't have children (have many nieces and nephews I kept for my brothers when I was a teen). I have a deep respect and appreciation for all of the wisdom being voiced here for Meg. This is a wonderful, supportive group of women.

    Meg, I hope your headache is better. You have a lot of love and prayers sent your way.

    Sue, take care of those sore muscles! :flowerforyou:

    Patty, congrats on passing and being certified. :flowerforyou:

    Val, I hope you like the recipe, I am enjoying it! :smile:

    Phillyb2013, welcome. :smile:

    Cindy, crepes sound yummy. :smile:

    DeeDee, dentist visit, Grrrrrrrrr. :grumble: Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Tere, congrats on the smaller size. Very wise advise for Meg. Love the dirty martini! :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day everyone, do something nice just for you today.

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I have no advice other than endurance.:flowerforyou: A dear friend’s daughter got pregnant while in high school. That baby is now a high school graduate, and is still an only child. Her family is proud of her. My friend’s daughter eventually went to school and became a nurse. The family is proud of her, too. Things will work out in time, but that doesn’t make them a bit easier right now. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your DGD needs some fun ways to learn her contact information. Maybe you could make it into a family game for all of the kids. I taught 8th grade for many years. At first I found it astonishing how many of my students did NOT know their addresses or phone numbers at the beginning of the school year. In time I realized that most of the kids in that situation had recently moved into new apartment complexes and their parents had prepaid throw away cell phones. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Thanks for the wishes for peace and contentment. What a lovely perspective.:flowerforyou:

    Tere: I am among those who like the “hold onto your whist and stay calm” advice your mom gave. It isn’t easy advice to follow but it is the best course of action.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Good luck avoiding a pre-recital freak out. You are putting on a performance for an audience, and I would be freaked out if I were in charge of an event like that. Then again, I lack your musical talent.:flowerforyou:

    Dr Katie: I have never been grateful for an opportunity for spiritual growth in my whole life. :noway: To me, that means something bad or difficult happening in the life of a person I care about. I love my family and challenging things happen to everyone. I have been grateful for God’s support in tough situations more times than I can count. :heart: I’m not sure how well I’m explaining what I’m thinking on this subject. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    I am going to my very first acupuncture appointment today. DH gave me his appointment for this week as a gift. He’s been going for treatments regularly for three years and has gotten a great deal of good out of them. I’m hoping she can give me some relief in sore shoulders and wrist that resulted from two falls last year.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member

    Sorry, I missed part of my notes. :blushing:

    I cooked the barley about 35 minutes. I kept testing it starting at 25 minutes. I wanted it to still be chewy. I cooked 1/2 cup barley in 1 1/2 cups of water with a little salt thrown in it. I made a dressing using Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and a little garlic and tossed everything together. Hope you like it.

    Cindy in OK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon................Well, back to cold (30's this am) and very windy here; our heat is back on after a few lovely days w/o. Ladies exercise class this am.

    Have had a phone call from the windshield replacement people and gave them directions when they reached campus to get to our car so they could do the new one...........stayed on the phone with the guy until he found the lot and the car, then, just to be sure made certain that she had actually followed the VERY simple instruction to leave it unlocked for him (no worries, her campus is super safe!!!)...........yes, it was still locked----you knew that was coming, didn't you???? Had to track her down at one of her on campus jobs and tell her to get her tiny hinee over there pronto..........exasperating............this is the knid of thing that makes me want to scream............how, how, how can someone be so smart and yet so completely unconscious?????????? Must be her fathers side, LOL.

    Sue............great exercise moving those bricks

    Sylvia..........My first thought was that your DGD was "playing" you, hard to believe a fourth grader wouldn't know her own phone number........but, after my morning incident dealing with a 21 yr.old, I'm not so sure.....

    Dee Dee.............Ouch!!! Hope your day is painless and your crown is fixed.

    Anamika..........Good for you!!! Super workout.

    Margaret...........Love your "word" and the resolution about high fiber minimal processed food---that's a great goal to aim for all of us.

    Wish you all well. I'm going to work on letting go of my frustration with some calming exercises when I get off here.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Sylvia, while Aaron does know his home phone number, THANK YOU for reminding me to make sure he always has one of my biz cards in his backpack, jacket pocket, etc. Even knowing a number, I've been known to go blank under stress and pressure.

    Busy morning for me. I was T25ing at 5:30 and running around until about an hour ago. I was debating on going to check out a couple of potential new schools for Aaron or hang here and watch GH for a change and decided the schools can wait until tomorrow because Momma needs a little time out before cooking dinner, homework, etc.

    Almost have all of Aaron's Easter basket stuff together. Digging for the will power to stay away from that candy...at least before Easter!

    Hope everyone's making the best of their day.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit