

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy hectic Thursday! :tongue:

    The clock is ticking
    Gotta gather my thinking
    Keep nerves in check
    O what the heck

    I've created a monster
    A show of my labor
    A proving of worth
    My head's gonna burst

    Is everything ready?
    What did I forget?
    Checking, checking
    Self-henpecking :laugh:

    There's no turning back
    The house will be packed
    Showtime is nigh
    O me, O my.

    :smile: jb going crazy in rainy Portland, preparing for tomorrow night's Spring Concert
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good luck jb! ! ! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla - I am now looking at waterbutt pumps.:tongue:

    Sylvia - hugs :heart: :heart:

    We've been out and got our Easter shopping in. Lots of fishy things to eat.

    DS#2 rang me and asked if I was ok with my ex coming to DGS's birthday party on the 4th. It was nice of him to ask, but I am definitely fine with it, I just like to know in advance so I can get my head in gear.:tongue: (And wear something really flattering!) :laugh: :blushing: DH said he would feel a bit self conscious as he is usually DGS'S favourite playmate and would feel my ex should have priority as the "blood" grandfather, but as my ex hardly ever sees them and proclaims himself not that interested, I don't think that will be the case. My ex has two children, 10 and 12 years old, so they might well be the chosen playmates for the day!:tongue: Families eh? ! ? ! ?:wink:
    Pennie - I fully understand your qualms about your ex and your frustration at family not making the effort to see you. My mother only considered she had "seen" people if they came to visit her. Thumbs up for your son - a great achievement. :flowerforyou:

    Done my watering for the day.:laugh:

    Love Heather in now clouded over UK, but with the lilac coming into bloom.

    "Oh to be in England now that April's here. ....."
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all! Ducked out of plans today in favor of staying home. I do have a dinner at a friends' home this evening, so I'm trying to save calories for who knows what. Making sour cream walnut banana bread to take with.

    Saw my first wisteria of the season yesterday!!!! I love wisteria, but it's not around long enough to suit me.

    Gloria.........That biz card idea is a great one; my dh printed up ones specifically with dd's name and info for her to give her friends in first grade---they were a hit.

    Heather.........Sorry the exhibit was so crowded---no, I would not like it that way either. But at least you got away and got a good total on steps!

    Vicki..........DH is NOT a car guy at all.........in fact, with most things that "pop up" he is of the mindset that either they will go away on their own if he ignores them long enough or someone else (guess who) will take charge. I can wish he was otherwise until I'm blue but it won't change; on the other hand, in the 30+ years we've been married I've gotten pretty good at stuff I never had any intention of getting good at.........:)

    Sue.........Hooray for a successful dilatation!!!

    Margaret.............Our deductible is way too high for a windshield to be covered, I wish it wasn't at times like this

    Renny..........I've often shared your male co-workers thought!!!

    Rori............Hope your spirits lift soon. Nice to see you; I think it's been awhile since you posted, unless I just missed yours (entirely possible!!) Anyway, feel better!!!

    Katla...........I think acupuncture---from everything I've read and heard
    is amazing!!! Very happy it's working for you. Love the website you mentioned Sunnyskyz.com ; I can see myself spending WAY too much time there. Thank you......I think. LOL

    Tere............I love your idea to "graciously allow" others to pitch in!!! LOL!!

    jb..........Marvelous poem, as usual; especially the "self-henpecking".........wow, we all do enough of that, don't we?? Break a leg at your show.

    Everyone else: Have a great day and stay on track!!


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Welcome Teresa:flowerforyou:
    Got some cleaning done.:drinker: :drinker:
    Pt this afternoon.Violet is coming for a sleepover and gonna color eggs.:love::love:
    Have a good one!
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all! Back home - nothing like sleeping in our own bed. Made it back to the Y today, though I cut my cardio short to come home and do some work in the perennial beds. Sunny but a bit chilly.

    Jill in western MA
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Oh no:( for sadness! I was gone all stinkin day yesterday with a dead cell battery and missed a day of logging. So my tally thing starts over:( on a positive note, I lost .3 of a lb! And that is with eating out. Twice! How in the world did that happen. Lol

    My day consisted of I taking DS for an all day Rituxamab infusion. Phone died because I used GPS to get there. Totally planned on eating one meal out, but day got longer and ended up eating out a second time. Restaurant food has so much more sodium (and other things) than my home cooking. So back on track for today it is!
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    About the boy child, the new meds seem to be clearing up the vomiting so we are waiting to hear from Duke for an appointment with an allergist to see what (other) food he is allergic to.

    Carol in cold NC

    Too funny! I refer to my 19 yr old son as my "man child". Hahaha! Hope he is feeling back to normal soon!
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Hi girls,
    Thank you for your kind welcome notes:smile:

    I am trying to get back on track and its really hard this time; feeling slightly depressed which I hate. Trying to be positive about our finances and stay focused....

    Next week my daughter and I have a trip to NJ (we live in NC) to hear my son's thesis reading very excited but not looking forward to seeing my X and his girlfriends...lol.

    My son has overcome addiction and has put himself through college with honors, I am very proud of him...but going home sometimes brings on this stress and depression...been living in NC for 10 years and most of my family hasnt visited...but always asks when are you coming up...its over 600 miles away and it seems I have made so many trips over the years...ugggg...thanks for listening.

    I wish you all a great day and my prayers go out to you all with issues that are so painful.


    Phyllis (in NC and yes it is colder than normal, for sure!!!!:frown: )

    My heart goes out to you Phyllis. It's never a good feeling when efforts in a relationship are not reciprocated:( congratulations to your son and his accomplishments! I'm sure you tell him how proud you are every chance you get:) And regarding the depression, I totally get it. I too, suffer. For me, if I can get outside in the fresh air and sunshine to garden or for a short walk each day it really helps me. The hardest part is getting the motivation to get my butt out the door. Everything else is a piece of cake:)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Sorry Phyllis, I mixed you up with Pennie.:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Stormykitty
    Stormykitty Posts: 43 Member
    Perhaps you may benefit from reading Two Essential Self-Calming Skills Novenber9,2009 By Becki A Hein I googled her she has a website among other available information. I find utilizing breathing and relaxation techniques to refocus my thoughts, when trying to fall asleep, works for me. Takes some practice but it works.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's the joke of the day:


    A sweet little boy surprised his grandmother one morning and brought her a cup of coffee. He made it himself and was so proud. He anxiously waited to hear the verdict on the quality of the coffee. The grandmother had never in her life had such a bad cup of coffee, and as she forced down the last sip she noticed three of those little green army guys in the bottom of the cup.

    She asked, "Honey, why would three little green army guys be in the bottom of my cup?"

    Her grandson replied, "You know grandma, it's like on TV, 'The best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup.'"

    :laugh: :laugh:

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,951 Member
    Day off to tomorrow from work but not a day off really. :ohwell: I have to bring my DH for an ultrasound of his tummy and I have to have blood drawn. :frown: My back is better from the acupuncture I had, going back monday for results of X-rays and another round. Found out today my furnace is no good so will have to be replaced :mad: (this in the house we just moved to in November!). Also found out the mortgage on the house I have for sale is going up $200 a month! :angry: Plus, I now have to pay someone to mow and keep the yard up until the darn thing sells! That house also just cost me $300 to get someone to clean the windows and clean up the yard so it will sell better! :explode: People who said they would do it for free (neighbors and so called friends) did not do a thing since we left there for CT. :frown: Seems like it is one thing after another lately. No wonder I feel depressed all the time! :embarassed:

    Thank you all for letting me vent. This group is the best!:flowerforyou:

    Rita from sunny but chilly CT
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    afternoon chica's~
    have been running all day.. did get the race walk in, then the load of laundry folded, and brought over to my DFIL.
    with frontal lobe dementia ,I guess promiscuity is high .. no wonder he is being a player:laugh:
    from there I went to another wake, this lady lived up the st from me.. she was 90, and still with it, but she loves to garden and she was out with her 4 wheeled walker with a seat, she fell of the seat head first and broke her neck.. they kept her on life support until all her kids could get here..
    from there stopped to see my dad, and my friend Doris,then we went down to her daughters house who is a dear friend and I visited for an hour with her.. from there I came home,made DH dinner and mashed potatoes that I took along with meatloaf over to DH aunt, she is very ill and I wanted to bring something she liked..
    beat the DH home from work and went out and pciked up sticks ,did the dishes and now will take the dogs for a walk.. then maybe I can sit and relax
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Break a leg, JB. You will rock them!:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I hope that bad weather is gone, it's wonderful today. We got notification in the mail that our mini vans car insurance had gone up and quite a bit. So we went and got all our insurances changed over and will save several hundred dollars. The only insurance not with this company now is my health insurance and we will probably do that this fall in the enrollment period.

    I love my smart phone although I don't use it to it's fullest capacity. Mine is a no contract through Virgin Mobile and I pay $35/month. When we go on vacation I will pay an extra $25 so I can make it a wi-fi hot spot.

    There are many people that I had notes in my head to write to but my head doesn't communicate with my fingers sometimes!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; too tired to post much (sleep quality hasn't been great recently), but I'm thinking of you all.

    Wish everybody a good night! :flowerforyou:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    Popping in to wish you a good evening. I am sending good thoughts and prayers all struggling with health, family and life. Hope you get some peaceful sleep tonight.

    Cindy in OK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Just logged everything I have eaten today and, if I want to have 300 left plus a few extra for a little snack later, I have to get my behind out for a walk...or down on the treadmill....or SOMEthing. I'm feeling tired and lazy but it's nice out. Wish I had a walking partner nearby to light a fire.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just finished dinner, had my fresh articoke finally, and it was yummy!

    Yanniejannie- I love wisteria too. Yankee candle used to make a wisteria candle that was fabulous, but they stopped making it. Of course, any candle I really like they stop making.

    Sylvia- I love that joke!

    Good night all. Tigress in GA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Heather - you said you see people using incorrect form when rowing in the gym. What is the correct form? I've done it, but after a while my back started to hurt. Now I know that I have very tight hamstrings, but I wouldn't think this would affect the hamstrings. So maybe I was doing something wrong? I noticed that the rowers aren't used a whole lot, maybe it's because people are using them incorrectly and don't know it. So, what is correct form?

    Patty - so sorry about Bailey

    Teresa - jump right in, the water's fine! Your post sounds so interesting

    Phyllis - what part of NC do you live in? Hubby and I are originally from NJ, too.

    Sylvia - that's so bad about your son, I'm sure it was a real relief to him that you were taking care of your gs, You think YOU didn't realize Easter was so close???? Today after exercising, I went to WalMart where they price matched for these chocolate bunnies then had to take them to Bi-lo and order the fruit baskets for Jessica and Kris. I'll pick them up Sat.

    I swear, the lady at WalMart must have been new because for each and every one of my price matches, she had to read the ENTIRE description, looked to see that the paper was current, that I adhered to a limit if there was one. I know some people behind me were getting frustrated. They were also probably a little frustrated with me having all the price checks. But I was going to get things for less so I wasn't about to worry about that.

    Then came home and made the cake for Easter. The recipe calls for you to make this cake in a springform pan, then you are supposed to make this thin chocolate layer and put that around the cake, then make the custard and put that in the cake. Well, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how you'd cut the cake and not break up that chocolate into tiny pieces. So what I did was put Twix bars around the edges. Oh, thanks stowe, for the icing recipe. Anyway, I learned that you should make the cake and the custard, put that in the pan in the refrigerator to get thick and THEN put the Twix bars around the edges. Also, I thought the custard should have been thicker so the next time I'll probably use 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin instead of the one. But I think it has good flavor (from the BLT's that I had while making it). Then you were supposed to make these chocolate "twigs" for the "nest". I got some whopper candy eggs to put in the "nest" and a peep.

    Then I made these Rice Krispie bars for Jessica. One time I made them and thought I'd be so so smart and put chocolate chips in them. Why it never dawned on me that the chips would melt is beyond me. But they did. However, Vince really liked them so "choclatey" so I'm continuing to make them that way.

    Carol in NC - I'm supposed to lector at Saturday's mass. I didn't have any clue that it was a bi-lingual mass (so it's extra long) or that it's Easter which is when they bring the new members into the church (which makes the mass last longer). I know that Jessica and Vince don't want to sit thru that. So what I will probably do is go to mass, do my lectoring, leave after I'm finished, then go to church with them Sunday.

    tere - I don't know what happened to Bryan. He was such a thoughtful, reasonable person. Lately, he's gotten very selfish and just wants to do what makes him happy, regardless how it makes anyone else feel. I'm still convinced that the last time I'll ever see him was at his wedding.

    Did an hour of Jari Loves Ripped to the Core DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a spinning workout.

    Amanda - Hope they do the surgery soon. What's taking so long?

    I still can't get over how good Lance is being about getting his insulin! The other day I was actually wondering if I was, in fact, giving it to him. So today I've been especially mindful that I feel the needle pierce his skin (I do), and the syringe is empty (it is). He isn't giving me any problems at all!

    kayduro - do you have the MFP app on your phone? You can log just one item and you won't lose your count of days.

    Michele in NC