

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good evening to each of you!!
    Today has been much better health wise. But I have eaten very little. We were going to have company for dinner but I called and begged off. Hopefully it will work over the week-end.

    I am so sorry for all of you that are struggling - with life situations. Sometimes it just seems to snowball.

    I hope you all have a great evening.
    I should be able to get on earlier tomorrow so I can actually talk to you rather than doing a fast high.
    I appreciate you all!
    Reba in Kansas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Renny - I read on some health website that you can't pass on a cold through kissing as there are no germs in saliva.:noway: The virus is passed on by nasal secretions being on hands and picked up by sneezing or touch. That's what I read anyway. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Alison: sounds like you’re doing a bit better; glad to see it.
    Renny: hope it won’t be a full-blown cold.
    Rori: I’ve made a resolution to keep in better touch with friends (doing OK on the family). It’s worth it.
    Carol: congrats on your smartphone! Frustrating buying experience, but you’ve got it now. You’re right, you tend to spend a lot of time at first getting the settings right, but that will stop after a while. Now you can download the MFP app and log on the go!

    Hope everyone has a good day. I've got a meeting later I'm not crazy about, but it won't last forever.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good morning Vit F women!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Carol - I had a lot of bother with my smartphone to start with, but now it's working fine. I was such a cheapskate though I got one with less memory than I would like, now I know more about it. It's all a learning curve. When I first got my tablet I had a headache for two days trying to figure it out, but now I love it. My phone syncs with it. I love sitting on the train, reading a book and listening to my music on my phone. I can learn a language on the go as well.

    Feeling more rested this morning, but I was very stiff when I started my exercises. Why is travelling so tiring? Maybe it was the walking, as I was carrying a heavy bag. It's the first serious walking I have done since Rome last October as my knee has been such a trial and any walking has been at a snail's pace.:laugh: Yesterday I strode out and my knee has survived. I know it's there, but no pain as such.:bigsmile:
    DH and I spent the time in bed this morning picking over the Viking exhibition. Could do better, was our verdict. I felt is was a "cold" exhibition, with no real sense of the people behind the artifacts. There was a glass case at floor level with the bones of young men who had been executed by having their heads chopped off after an unsuccessful raid. I couldn't help but wonder what they would have thought at having their terror exhibited as a curiosity, let alone what their mothers would have thought. It all seemed very blasé.

    This morning I forgot my strength training as I got caught up cooking my "grains" for two lunches and making yoghourt. Whoops! ! !
    Does anyone else on here do rowing? It constitutes half of my cardio and has done wonders for my back. You do have to be trained in correct technique though and you see most people doing it wongly. Nobody seems to mention it on this thread.:smile:

    Meg - I remember when my son's girlfriend got pregnant and her mum paid for a very early private abortion. DS was relieved, although upset of course. I loved this young woman as they had been together 6 years and I had spent a month with them in Peru. They separated some months afterward and I am sure that had something to do with it. I was deeply affected by it all and privately mourned my grandchild, though I never said anything to them. I still sometimes think of what might have been.
    A new baby, coming through whatever means, is such a wonderful thing. I am just sorry that your daughter's situation is so complicated.:heart: Big hugs for all the hugely conflicting emotions you must be going through.:love: Do you have someone you can talk to? You need lots of love and support too.:love: Do message me if you want to blurt, vent, cry etc.

    Another beautiful day in England. Sun, sun, sun. More watering! I have discussed some sort of automatic drip system with DH and he is interested, but he doesn't like spending money. Our patio could do with relaying, but I don't think I am going to see that either. He usually only spends money when he absolutely has to. Apart from on cars.:laugh: It certainly would make our vegetables very expensive! ! ! :laugh: At least it's using up calories carting watering cans around.
    It's due to pour with rain on Easter Sunday. Hooray! ! ! ! !:laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Love to all. Heather in flowery and sunny and dry Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    I feel so bad because it is another day I haven't been able to read posts. Last night I had to go to my DD, they have two dogs and one was hit by a car. Her back was broke and the poor thing is so sad. She has a cast around her, and she has trouble laying down, can't sit, can't lean over. Bailey (dogs name) can't sleep and she is wearing my DD down (she is 7 months pregnent) Bailey got hit last Sunday night. Last night Corinne worked so her husband had to take Bailey to the vet for a recheck.
    Sorry, I just feel for them all, I know the kids are wore down and the poor dog is in so much pain.
    I work both jobs today but hope to read post this evening and catch up.
    Wishing all a great day, health and happiness.
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I didnt get to the gym....slept in until 5;45am got a load of laundry in and will go for a racewalk.. have to stop out at a wake this morning, and to bring my DFIL his clean clothes, then visit my friend Doris.. finish the laundry and make lunch and dinner for the DH, and go out side and pick up sticks,
    I am off work for the next 4 days but will be running about doing stuff.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Is this a CLOSED group? I'd like to join. I need some accountability and would love to make some new friends! Have a great day everyone!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have no time this morning:sad: ! Will try to pop back in later today!

    Margaret:smile: Coffee:drinker: and water:drinker: !!! Thinking about you and your son:heart: !

    Michele:smile: My daughter uses Windex Multi Surface cleaner on her granite, she says it works it great:bigsmile: !

    Carol in NC:smile: Supposed to be a bit warmer today:happy: ! Working at 2 churches and you wonder why you`re so busy this week:laugh: ! Wow...quite a drive from one prom to the other:noway: !!! How very nice of your son:flowerforyou: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC where it`s chilly:frown: , but the sun is shining:glasses: !
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi girls,
    Thank you for your kind welcome notes:smile:

    I am trying to get back on track and its really hard this time; feeling slightly depressed which I hate. Trying to be positive about our finances and stay focused....

    Next week my daughter and I have a trip to NJ (we live in NC) to hear my son's thesis reading very excited but not looking forward to seeing my X and his girlfriends...lol.

    My son has overcome addiction and has put himself through college with honors, I am very proud of him...but going home sometimes brings on this stress and depression...been living in NC for 10 years and most of my family hasnt visited...but always asks when are you coming up...its over 600 miles away and it seems I have made so many trips over the years...ugggg...thanks for listening.

    I wish you all a great day and my prayers go out to you all with issues that are so painful.


    Phyllis (in NC and yes it is colder than normal, for sure!!!!:frown: )
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes about the acupuncture treatment. It was helpful. Doctor says I need appointments two or three times a week for a while, but I can't wrap my mind around that, so I'll be doing one every three months or so. I know she's right, but oh so far away. Going to her is about a 60 mile round trip and takes much of a day.

    Heather: We didn't spend a fortune on our automatic watering system, and most of it is durable and has been in use for several years. The spitter emitters do sometimes clog up and need replacement, but the tubing is now more than 10 years old and doing fine. We bought the supplies from our local Ace Hardware store. I don't know whether there is any similar company in Great Britain, but I'll bet you could find the stuff on the internet. I agree with you about the tastelessness of displaying the beheaded remains of Viking warriors.

    I have never tried to post a link here so I don't know if this will work. DH shared it with me and I wanted to share with all of you. I'll say that this is a remarkable role model. I was able to copy and paste it into my browser and it worked for me. Enjoy.

  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been reading your posts and wanted to jump in and introduce myself! I'm Teresa and I live in Columbus, Ohio. I'm 52, mom to 2 young men and grandma to 5 who range in age from 16 to 2 years old! I LOVE to crochet and am trying to learn to RUN!! :laugh: I'm also a Licensed Massage Therapist, but work full time at a bank.

    I'm not married, but hope to be (soon!) as I've been dating THE MOST WONDERFUL CHRISTIAN MAN for about 15 months now. Like me, he loves to hike and be outdoors. Unlike me, he's NOT overweight, and we don't live together - both of which don't help as far as my being ACCOUNTABLE for my exercising and/or running. I've asked him to try to help me be accountable, but he doesn't do a very good job of it. Lol. I'm hoping that by posting to this thread every day or every other day - some of you ladies will also help me to be a little more accountable.

    Anyways, I'm so excited for the break in the weather (FINALLY!) so that I can get outside more often. I'm looking forward to reading and getting to know all of you!

    Have a GREAT day!
    Teresa ~ Columbus, Ohio

    April Goal:
    * to log my food in the food diary - every single day!
    * to lose 5 lbs
    * to start the C25K running app & run 3x each week!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Deedee thanks for kind thought.:drinker:

    Off to work.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Steeler fan- no, it's wide open. JUT jum right in! Tell us about yourself!

    My son was at the hospital. His blood pressure dropped very low. They kept him most of the day and let him go. He has to change some of his meds.

    We took grandson to soccer last night but it did not go well. He fell down and scratched his knees, cried, and wanted to go home. Poor baby.

    Hubby didn't sleep much again last night. He's having so much trouble with this darned CPAP machine. I think he needs a different mask. The one they gave him is a little silicone thing that sticks up his nose. So, I didn't sleep much either.

    The kids are coming over for dinner on Easter. Today I'm making up Easter baskets. I love doing that. Hopefully the store will still have chocolate bunnies. I didn't realize it was getting so close. Yikes!

    Gotta run. Have a great day!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    steeler_fan - This is very much an OPEN group! C'mon in and sit a spell! (Yeah, I'm from the south!)

    Phyllis - What part of NC are you in? There are at least four of us from NC posting in this group.

    Sylvia - I haven't said much to you about your son, but that doesn't mean that I am not thinking of you and the fear and anger you must feel for all of you. Hugs!!

    I got some sleep last night and feel somewhat better today. The pastor at the church where I am now told me to just go ahead and ignore everyone who didn't keep a deadline this week and follow the schedule he and I had set up for getting everything done. That was a relief! Churches tend to mollycoddle people so much that the staff takes a "beating" constantly from trying to work around so many personalities. We get really worn down, both mentally and physically. That's not to say that we don't need to treat people with kindness, just that we need to be able to stand up for ourselves a bit more. All in all, it's a pretty good gig! :tongue:

    Speaking of churches....I'm very involved in my church and have taken on a very significant role this year. It's one of those roles that is not particularly visible, but is taking way more time and effort than it should. Long story made short, I inherited a mess and I may have to be a part of a staff person's dismissal over the next few weeks. The church would definitely be better off without this person, but I know she depends on that little extra income every week. However, she will not listen to me when given instruction (I am in charge of her position) and is giving attitude to me and to other volunteers. Ack!! :frown:

    Gotta go finish up my Good Friday bulletins and see if I can do a literal run through the building before anyone else gets here! :bigsmile: Gotta get those steps in since I will be sitting in a worship service tonight. Well, unless I actually do have to fill in for someone since I have been asked to be backup for any reader who doesn't show up.

    Have a great day!

    Carol in slowly warming NC
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Some weather we are having here in Virginia! This morning I wore my work out clothes and a warm up jacket to the gym. Came back home and left my work out clothes and the warm up jacket on and put on my snow jacket and a knit hat to walk Storm. Wished I had put on my gloves too! Such a big drop from Sunday when the SO planted verbena and dahlias! Our dogwood is in full bloom and the azaleas are heavily budded. We are just hoping they survive the frost.:grumble:

    Phillyb2013: Welcome back! Congratulations on your son’s achievements!:flowerforyou:

    Patty: Congratulations on your certification. Hugs to your DD and SIL and their poor dog.

    Cindy: Loved your post on how “some” men must be conceived.:laugh:

    YannieJannie: I am absolutely convinced that something tragic happens to childrens’ brains once they turn 20! Ours all seemed to lose touch with reality and evidently live (and think) in an alternate universe. Our job is to survive those years until they return to life as we know it!:laugh:

    Sylvia: I love the business card idea and I am distributing some to my nearby grandchildrens’ book bags and directing our children to do the same. Hope your son is doing better. I have resisted having any children/grandchildren/nieces/siblings/parents at my house for Easter dinner. I got burnt out last year entertaining family so I will graciously allow them to do invitations this year.:blushing:

    Pennie: I agree with your sentiments about the lovely ladies on this site. :heart: When I fell off track their continuity helped me back.

    Renny: Kiss him back! That way you can test out Heather’s advice and let us know. BTW make sure you are not leaving out any touching when you report on your test as Heather says that’s the way the germs are transferred.:tongue:

    Carol: Congratulations on the smart phone. When I took my old flip phone to the store (Radio Shack) because it became non-fixable the salesperson held it up in the air and everybody started laughing! :laugh: I was so challenged with my new phone that I decided that it was for emergencies only. The kids have been instrumental in getting me on board with applications and not being afraid of the phone.

    Steeler_fan4l: I am a Ravens fan, but welcome anyway!:flowerforyou:

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member
    Good morning Beautiful Ladies,

    Been lazy this morning so bumping until later. Running late to do my workout. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and prayers to all. :heart:

    Cindy in OK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good afternoon ladies

    Been so busy today! I'm not firing on all cylinders as I only got about an hour sleep. My gallbladder was complaining loudly. I've decided that I am going to call the hospital on Tuesday (after the bank holiday) and really get on to them about giving me a date to have the blessed thing removed. It's really cramping my style! I'm supposed to be a born-again sex goddess and feel more like a death-warmed-up old hag. Not quite the look I'm going for.

    Must dash. Be good to each other, but first be good to yourself.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Renny - I read on some health website that you can't pass on a cold through kissing as there are no germs in saliva.:noway: The virus is passed on by nasal secretions being on hands and picked up by sneezing or touch. That's what I read anyway. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
    Heather UK

    I've always read that virus' are passed through nose and eyes. The bacterial germs like "secretions" :ohwell: If I can just get that gross little boy of mine to keep his dirty fingers out of his nose.....
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Happy day to all!

    Had to run a couple of errands after dropping Aaron off at school, T25'd a little later and now trying to get my plan together for the few remaining hours I have before pick up time.

    Just passing through and wanted to wish everyone a great day full of achieved goals and success.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit....where the sun is once again shining and the freezing temps are trying to climb
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good afternoon ladies

    Been so busy today! I'm not firing on all cylinders as I only got about an hour sleep. My gallbladder was complaining loudly. I've decided that I am going to call the hospital on Tuesday (after the bank holiday) and really get on to them about giving me a date to have the blessed thing removed. It's really cramping my style! I'm supposed to be a born-again sex goddess and feel more like a death-warmed-up old hag. Not quite the look I'm going for.

    Must dash. Be good to each other, but first be good to yourself.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x

    I'm happy to hear you're planning to push for a surgery date. I hope they will be able to set a date in the near future AND at a time and date that is good for you. Gallbladder attacks are horrible and emergency surgery is not desirable. Hugs.