amit949 Member


  • You eat less than your BMR. How its calculated varies. The most accurate number can only be determined by labs with the technology. MFP uses a formula that estimates. So your goal is to eat 200-500 less than your BMR. If you eat fewer than 500 calories below your BMR, you risk messing up your metabolism temporarily and…
  • First read this: the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is essentially the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. What you need to do is eat CLEAN foods, avoid processed foods, drink at least a gallon of…
  • 1. "On the weekends I eat outside a couple of times ......and at-least have abt 5-10 beers over the course of a weekend....and atleast demolish half a pizza in one sitting... " THIS is not a good start. Consistency is the key to weight loss. Breaking from the diet will just be counter productive and usually ends up being a…
  • First off, how is it living in Egypt? Besides the political and civil problem now I have heard amazing things about the culture, people, and cities. Now i'm going to give you a crash course on effective weight loss. Your goal should be to lose body fat percentage meaning the amount of fat between your muscles and outermost…
  • If I understood correctly, you feel pain only when a vertical pressure load is being placed on your lower spine / back. I don't mean to scare you but it could be something as simple as a sore muscle or something more complicated as a SI joint issue or herniated disk. Since you say its only when jumping, I feel like…
  • I agree with everything else he said except I think he misunderstood my program changing comment. Regarding the 2 week thing, I meant it more so as a way to train at different angles. Muscle confusion is not a myth btw but it was not what I was trying to say. I was saying, stimulus change is important for intensity /…
  • Well how about doing circuits before your cardio sessions? Or do your cardio in the AM on a empty stomach. Then in the PM do chest, arms, back, legs, abs all in one circuit. Its call compound movement circuit training. IF you choose to lift and run in the same session then do a circuit consisting of weightless body…
  • Simply put, if you're interested in losing weight, then exercise is a must. (Im sure you know) Now weightlifting being a demanding exercise is very important for two reasons: A) It burn calories and leads to new muscle growth (depending on your diet). B) Having more muscle mass enables you to burn more calories per day. So…