

  • Wow, Penny, that's dedication!!! Props to you!
  • I'm also over 40 and under 5'4". (Petite Plus sizes are hard to find - especially exercise clothes!) My exercise is along the same lines as pamaelasusan. I use WiiFit (but am thinking of getting Xbox Kinect). The Firm's DVD's are always great. Sometimes I walk at the mall - it's climate-controlled, and I can window shop,…
  • I've been using the Wii Fit Plus, but am really interested in the Xbox Kinect. It seems like it's going to be the next level in physical actitvity games. I'd say check out your BF's before buying either.
  • Kathy, Thanks for the chuckle. It made my morning. You have a good friend there. Leigh
  • Saverys_gal, I can feel your pain. I've had similar issues, though not as severe. Until you can get help from your doctor (or a new doc), try using those ThermaCare (or similar brand) heat wraps. The quality of the heat is different from (and works better than) the heating pads that you plug in. I found the ones labeled…