

  • Back after a two year layoff and all past friends are gone! Always looking to give and get support!
  • You came to the right place! This site works if you stay true, and there's a lot of support here!
  • Always remember to feed ur body with water when ur not eating!!! And listen girlfriend, once you start this new lifestyle it makes no sense to give up. We all have bad days, I had a bad week! But u wipe the slate clean and start again!! Push yourself!! You can do this!!
  • By cds Im assuming u mean music! Find something upbeat to ur liking! I prefer Static X, but I'm a different animal!!
  • I started last week and it is definitely a challenge! Tomorrow will be day 2 of my second week and I DO feel stronger!
  • Im also someone who used to love pizza, chinese and smokes! Ive been doing cardio now for 17 weeks and I cant seem to get past running more than a mile. I walk for 60 minutes everyday and somewhere in the middle of that walk I will run a mile. Sometimes half at a time, sometimes a quarter at a time. Today, 18 minutes into…
  • I love salad in a multi grain wrap with tuna or chicken or eggplant or grilled portobella mushrooms. My daughter loves veggies , loves to dip them in ranch dressing, so i usually give her some tomato and cucumber slices with some chicken (nuggets r ok for the kids).