What do YOU eat for lunch??

mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I stay at home with 3 little kids, so we have A LOT of mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and other noodle dishes. Obviously not healthy. What do YOU eat for lunch that is healthy and then what do you feed your kids???

I would LOVE some lunch recipes or ideas! Thanks y'all!


  • bxdarby
    bxdarby Posts: 17
    I don't know how much a kid would go for this, but I made a 3 bean and brown rice "salad" for myself for lunch this week and I have really liked it. It's very filling and pretty good for you.

    3 cans of beans (I used kidney, garbanzo, and cannellini)
    4 cups of cooked brown rice
    1 cup slivered almonds
    1/4 cup olive oil
    1/3 cup sugar
    1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
    salt, pepper, garlic to taste

    Mix liquids together until well combined, add seasoning.
    Toss other ingredients in a bowl and mix with the dressing.

    Makes about 7.5 cups

    As a side note, I could easily decrease the liquid ingredients by about 1/2 and still be happy with the taste.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Honestly, my lunch maybe isn't that healthy, but it works for me.

    I eat a lot of "convenience" lunches (lean cuisine paninis, freezer food) or soup. About once a week I get a grilled chicken salad from Arby's right by my house (yummmy) but I'm SO busy during the day that I need fast and simple to stay on track.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    At work I always have a sandwich with chicken and baby spinach and a low fat yoghurt, at home I like to have soup and toast.

    Some ideas to try for the kiddies:

    * English muffins halved and topped with tomato paste, vegies and a sprinkle of cheese - mini healthy pizzas!
    * Baked potato topped with whatever the kids will eat - tuna, baked beans, cooked veggies
    * Colourful salad with pieces they can pick up and crunch on with bread and a boiled egg
    * Wraps using the small wholemeal pita breads
    * Toasted sandwich filled with reduced fat cheese and tomato or baked beans or spaghetti
  • PaulP70
    PaulP70 Posts: 7
    I love salad in a multi grain wrap with tuna or chicken or eggplant or grilled portobella mushrooms. My daughter loves veggies , loves to dip them in ranch dressing, so i usually give her some tomato and cucumber slices with some chicken (nuggets r ok for the kids).
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I usually have canned soup if I am saving up for a good dinner.

    I am getting a little burnt out on it and had a sandwich the other day and thought I was in food heaven.

    I forgot how good a sandwich can be.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I eat cottage cheese usually with fruit and yogurt if we don't have lefts overs from dinner. I work outside of the home, so I take my lunch. If I'm home I'll make egg white omlettes, sandwiches (on sandwich thins), grilled chicken with quinoa and a veggie, etc. Turkey meatballs and whole grain pasta (for kids, I don't eat pasta)... Hmmmm.. I usually make something with chicken, turkey or deli meat. . . The crock pot is my best friend!

    I feed my kids what I'm eating. Except my 3 yr old has issues with texture and will flat out not eat so. Sometimes I'll make her all natural whole grain mac n cheese, turkey hot dogs, cottage cheese with yogurt (weird that she likes that), cheese, cubed chicken, turkey meatballs... those are basically her favorites.
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Uncle Ben Boil in a Bag brown rice and steamed veggies with protein shake
  • mthomas25
    mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
    Great ideas for kids! Thanks!! I used to eat english muffin pizzas all the time as a kid! I can't believe I forgot that one!
  • mthomas25
    mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't know how much a kid would go for this, but I made a 3 bean and brown rice "salad" for myself for lunch this week and I have really liked it. It's very filling and pretty good for you.

    3 cans of beans (I used kidney, garbanzo, and cannellini)
    4 cups of cooked brown rice
    1 cup slivered almonds
    1/4 cup olive oil
    1/3 cup sugar
    1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
    salt, pepper, garlic to taste

    Mix liquids together until well combined, add seasoning.
    Toss other ingredients in a bowl and mix with the dressing.

    Makes about 7.5 cups

    As a side note, I could easily decrease the liquid ingredients by about 1/2 and still be happy with the taste.

    This sounds so yummy to me! Thanks for taking the time to post it for us all!
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    Uncle Ben Boil in a Bag brown rice and steamed veggies with protein shake

    I do the same boil in a bag rice, with grilled chicken breast and side veggies. (canned in the off season) It's easy for me to make a couple days in advance and take to work. The whole bag is two servings, so I separate it right away and make my entire lunch for the next day as well. It's filling. To mix it up, I sometimes add a little soy sauce (but watch that sodium!!)
  • mallorylouise
    mallorylouise Posts: 4 Member
    Tuna or chicken salad. My mom used to boil half bag of chicken breast every week, save the broth for the dogs or ferrets (yes, ferrets) or soup, and shredded up the chicken for a HUGE bowl of chicken salad! I always complained about it not having enough mayo, but now I'm grateful that I'm used to eating it without it being more like mayo and chicken slop. We used to joke around and bite the grapes in half instead of her cutting them. Hey, we're family. As long as no one's sick a little spit in your chicken salad doesn't hurt anyone! lol

    Hardboiled eggs are good snacks. Same with ants on a log: celery, raisins, and peanut butter.

    Instead of peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, try peanut butter and sliced fruit! Earthgrains 7-grain bread has a pretty good texture, expecially toasted. Or get the whole grain white if you cant get them to eat wheat bread.

    Quick made-at-home pizzas can be done pretty easy and cheap. Find some already made crusts (I'm lucky to have a high Italian population near where I live, and at a little shop they sell three 12in crusts for five bucks- not bad!), a bag of mozzerella, and some healthy toppings! The kids can help top the pizza and it doesn't take very long in the oven (toaster ovens take even less time!).
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    my family loved english muffin pizzas. we actually do it for dinner. i prepare a bunch of veggies to put on them and let the kids make thier own. Faces, and designs always end up on them :)

    my daughter is home during the day with my mom, and she must have 2 slices of ham or bologna, with 2 slices of cheese, and 1/2 of a large tomato. thats her favorite. no bread no dressing all finger food, for my little girl
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    some ideas not all together :smile:

    2.5 oz of Tuna or chicken salad with: carrots/celery/zucchni/spring onions/one egg white/cucumber and mircale whip, mustard/ sweet pickle relish. I wrap this is Romain lettuce leaves

    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with: carrots, celery, zucchni, cucumber spears (very filling and low in calories)

    Green salad with some leftover grilled chicken and some Kraft fat free French dressing.

    Sliced apple and 1 TSP peanut butter (melted)

    Left over grilled chicken (I make alot :smile: ) with Cabot's low fat pepperjack cheese shredded on top and heated in microwave until cheese is melted. Add a nice microwaved steam bag of veggies. This is a nice lunch.

    3 hard boiled egg whites and one yolk, fork smash on a plate and salt and pepper and some balsamic vineger. (So GOOD).

    Jones 97% fat free Canadian Bacon (great protein) cut up in green salad or with veggie spears of your choice.

    Hmmmm..... got to go get some lunch. :bigsmile:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I eat a pita. I get whole wheat pitas they have 80 calories, 1 g fat, 100 sodium, 16 carbs, 4 protein. I then put some Deli meat in it (chicken or turkey), mustard, slice of tomato, tons of sprouts, some lettuce and every once in a while I will throw in some pepper jack cheese. I weigh the meat a cheese to make sure that I only put in an ounce of each. But the veggies I pack in as much as can fit in it. It is yummy filling and is under 300 calories total. The plus of it that my young children have been wanting the same thing! I sometimes switch the pita for a spinach or sundried tomato wrap but use the same things in it. The kids haven't quite asked for that one yet!:laugh:
  • melmel0181
    melmel0181 Posts: 9 Member
    I buy a rotisserie chicken at the beginning of the week and make a chicken salad. I usually use cranraisins & onions with low fat mayo and sour cream. I sometimes put curry seasoning in it. It is really yummy and fills me up. I put it on Arnolds sandwich thins which are 100 calories.

    I have to find the specific recipe but my nutritionist told me about this idea: low cal cinnamon bread with 1/3 less fat cream cheese, sliced pear, chopped walnuts with arugula. It sounds odd but was delicious!!!!!!!!
  • helpneeded
    helpneeded Posts: 2
    I think Arnolds Sandwich thins are AWESOME! 100 claories.
    I put some pesto sauce , skim cheese, onion, bell peller, chicken slices.............yumm...yumm...yumm!!!!
  • Naniflora
    Naniflora Posts: 7
    I usually have a sandwich on Sara Lee 45 calorie bread, with olive oil mayo, roast beef, ham ect. Usually with a coke zero and a few( veryfew) chips. After that I have a no sugar fruit cup. Sometimes a lettuce and tomato salad with a few chunks of cooked chicken and light Cardini Ceasar dressing.
  • fowlmeli1093
    fowlmeli1093 Posts: 199
    Creative! Kids love creative and fun ways to be included in preperation!
    My kids are extremely picky, so peanut butter brings us far! My daughter now loves "Ants on a Log"!! Make it a lunch on the side of a healthy sandwich!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    lunches are usually veggies and cottage cheese/ steamed veggies and brown rice with low sodium soy/ a lettuce wrap with rice cakes/or soup. My kids eat what I eat. If it isn't healthy for me then it isn't healthy for them!
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