Amatullah1986 Member


  • Ok so u have a spike day once a week? But what are you supposed to do the rest of the week follow a normal calorie deficit diet??? What are the rules? I'm VERY interested!
  • Great ideas i think mine will be a pedicure!!!! Now i jus gotta look for a place that does them good!
  • I'm not recovering from an eating disorder but i am an emotional eater .........i don't know what category that falls into. Well done to you for knowing the warning signs and being in control of the situation. I don't know much about anorexia, only what i've seen on documentaries, from my understanding and please correct…
  • Wow i'm seriously overwhelmed by the replys and support here, you guys are sooooo supportive. Ok i don't know how to do that thing where u quote and answer so i'll reply to everyone all at once. I've been weighing myself daily and up till this week it was going well. I've been weighing myself on my wii fit board at the…