huwiesmummy Member


  • Yes unlimited pasta... this is why i stopped SW ages ago. As i have no self control when it comes to pasta rice or potatoes!
  • Slimming world if a UK diet group which is why a lot on here have not heard of it (there are a lot of Americans on here) Slimming world is kinda like weight watchers but different. The basics are you can eat all the raw fruit and raw/cooked veg you want then depending on what you prefer you have 3 options to add either…
  • This is what I have gone though. Due to gallstones I couldn't stomach most foods thus it was agreed to put me on a food replacement that only gave me 600cals a day. After 7 long months I lost a ton of wright now I'm trying to eat again but am struggling. I'm aiming for 1400-1600 a day but It's hard to eat so much…
  • I have lost over 100lbs and have been told i look happier. I talked to my grandma the other day and she said i look like and i really enjoying being slim and being able to do all the things i couldn't before. I take it as a compliment. I tend to smile a lot more and don't feel like a fat slug anymore.
  • I have managed to lose over 100lbs between calorie counting and a food replacement diet. It is possible you just have to be determined Good luck!