I do most of winter running on the treadmill. If the weather is over 5 Celcius, then I will layer up and head outside. Otherwise I just use the treadmill and get back outdoors in March. I live in Southern Ontario and we get our share of snow. My husband prefers the outside. I just don't love the cold that much!!!
Your wife is awesome!!!!!
Your wife is awesome!!!!!
I agree, stay away from anything over processed. Enjoy a little butter on your toast, it tastes better and, for me, more satisfying!
Maybe you were just fight some type of bug. I don't believe that our bodies ever need a break from healthy eating. Our bodies crave healthy food. I'm sure you would have felt the same no matter what you had eaten. I would be careful not to le yourself think that the unhealthy stuff makes you feel better and is a good break…
Go to "Settings" in the top right corner and then click on "update diet/fitness goals". There you can see if you have a starting weight.
I started that program in January 2010 and in January 2011 I ran a half marathon. I live how it takes care od some of my trouble areas. Unfortunately I did stop running for a while but I'm back at it. Ran 5k today and will be back up to 10k in no time again. I love running, it is great alone time. If you are interested in…
Wilted down in my scrambled eggs, or omelet, whichever way it turns out!
I eat eggs to eat more protein,every day for lunch, most days. I also found I was really hungry so I switched to losing 1.5lbs/week instead of 2. That gave me a bit more calories every day. I don't want to fail and hunger would increase my risk of failure. I also find I'm less hungry on days that I have a good cardio…
I would not let that kind of negativism affect you. Just keep living a healthy lifestyle. I also wouldn't try for the snide comebacks, that just breeds the kind of behaviours that are not helpful. Keep doing what you are doing!
I agree with Phillip. I seem to be more hungry on the days I don't exercise. If I exercise and burn over 300 calories and I eat about 200 of them, I feel much less hungry throughout the day. I also have it set my goal to lose 1.5 lbs/week instead of 2. I just couldn't do the reduced calories, it was way too low and I still…
I did the whole Herbal Magic thing a number of years ago. Lots of supplements. Yes, I lost the weight but unless it is a complete lifestyle change, once you are off of them, the weight comes back. I didn't gain it all back, but circumstances in my life, brought about 20 lbs back (no excuses though, I just ate the wrong…
Try getting some exercise each day and also watch what you eat the meals you are not out with anyone. Control what tou can definitely control. Try to keep the sweets and drinks in moderation and choose your dinners out with as many healthy options as possible. As far as cheesecake and birthday cake, have just a small piece…
Sounds like a great idea, I'm game.