memosa Member


  • You go girl!!! How are you doing it?
  • Can anyone give me tips, I am under eating in Starvation mode, my husband is doing the same and lost 20 lbs, I am stuck after 8. I need carbs, been doing high protein. I need carbs or I get shaky but don't want to over do it. What fruits and vegetables are best. I don't want high carb or high sugar, but need to get my…
  • Thanks for the tips. My son said to watch sodium intake, so I am doing my best and trying to drink lots of water. We have been at this for 2 weeks, getting a bit tired of salads! LOL But, on the scale this morning and I was down 8 lbs. so must be doing something right after all. Trying to not get discouraged. Thanks…
  • Thanks for the tip. I am starving all the time, but don't want a lot of carb's but feel I need some or my blood sugar drops, I get weak, shaky, and NEED to eat. So, try a protien shake in between and high protein snacks. 1/4 cup unsalted almonds confuse me but help. Dont' understand the fat being good for you, but hey, who…