Newby - Hoping to get tips, ideas, strength to see this thro

52 year old mother of 5, GM of 6, ready to gain control of my life again. Tips for women weight loss ideas, greatly welcomed. Hubby sheds his fast, mine takes forever even though we eat the same low cal foods?? How do I lose the water weight while eating healthy and not dehydrating. Thanks for your help!! Let's do this!!:tongue::tongue:


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    If I'm not mistaken, drinking MORE water will help with the water weight. Your body won't retain it if you are drinking enough water in the first place! Also take out any and all sodas, even diet ones if you haven't already. When you drink your iced tea, use some lemon and artificial sweetener to flavor it (unless it tastes awesome with out sweetener) If you get tired of drinking just plain old water, add limes or lemons to it, they have those crystal light packets or Mio now so you can flavor your water without adding calories! Good luck!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Ditto to AP. Drink more water. Eat lots of veggies/fiber. Make sure sodium is something you track. But really- concentrate on losing fat. I'd rather have 8lb of water weight than 8lb of fat. Water weight will fluctuate, but if you get your body fat down it'll still look better on you. Good luck and feel free to add me if you like.
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Welcome to MFP,

    I am quite new too. You will find everyone very helpful and supportive. Drink lots and lots of water, cut out the in your cooking as there is heaps in everything as it is and trust me if you are a heavy salt user you will get used to it in fact you will enjoy your food more because you will be able to taste it properly not just the salt. Don't compare you weight loss with your husbands or anyone else as everyone loses weight differently and I think men can lose weight easier than women can. Just remember we are all here for each other.

    Best wishes to you
  • memosa
    memosa Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the tips. My son said to watch sodium intake, so I am doing my best and trying to drink lots of water. We have been at this for 2 weeks, getting a bit tired of salads! LOL But, on the scale this morning and I was down 8 lbs. so must be doing something right after all. Trying to not get discouraged.

    Thanks everyone and good luck!!