

  • I have just started couch to 5k! its great, 3 times a week anywhere from 20-40 mins i think. I just started yesterday actually and found it realy easy, it tells you when to walk/jog and if all goes to plan in 9 weeks 5 k will be easy to run! and i figured i could fit 30 mins into my day somewhere =)
  • San Diego is where i live now! Im in love with the place! We are doing a bit of traveling soon and Yosemite national park is one place we will be seeing, cant wait. But yes the food is beyond amazing lol so much to choose from.
  • where abouts in cali? its amazing here! i really love it! especailly the weather is amazing! but i let myself go when i got here just trying so much different food! Now ive pulled back and need to start to eat well and work out again! get back to fit and healthy for summer!